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Rory was wide awake and sitting on a chair watching the TV when Decha walked into the infirmary. She was starving, but Jessica told her she couldn't eat until after the surgery.

Rory wasn't shocked at all when Jessica told her that she'd be having an operation in the morning. But she was surprised that Decha walked in a bit earlier than she was expecting.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Decha placed a hand on his hip and gestured at her.

"I needed to sit up and—"

"You're not supposed to move around!"

"Decha, please, I just woke up and I still feel very exhausted. The last thing I wanna hear is you reprimanding me this early in the morning." Rory sighed.

Decha crouched and slid one of his arms under her legs and the other behind her back. Then he lifted her, and she squeaked in response.

"Decha! Put me back down!"

Decha placed her back onto the bed, laying her body to rest gently. Then he placed the sheet back over her and pulled the IV stand closer.

Decha sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed onto Rory's arm. "I need you to take this seriously,"

"I'm very nervous," Rory pouted. "Aren't you?"

"Why would I be? Jessica is one of the best surgeons out there. She'll take care of you."

Rory didn't like his answer. He was still hiding it from her, and she knew. He was avoiding the topic on purpose. "You know that's not what I meant."


He was still pretending like he didn't have a clue. Rory didn't think she would have to go this far, but there was no other choice. "I left my phone in my room. Could you get it for me?"

"... Okay," Decha pushed himself off the bed and took a few steps before he heard her call him again.

"Wait," Rory stood up again and followed him toward the exit. Before Decha could scold her, she embraced him. Rory thought carefully about what she was going to do next. But it was the only way.

Rory gave Decha a quick kiss and grabbed onto his hands. The gloves began to buzz at her touch. Swiftly, she shoved Decha out of the infirmary and a transparent door shifted to a close. It was locked in place.

Decha was very taken aback by her action and his back rammed into the wall in the hallway. "What the heck?!" He steadied himself and sprinted back to the door frame. He didn't see the transparent solid and smacked right into the door.

He let out a curse when he realized that there was a barrier.

"I didn't want to do this," A tear cascaded down Rory's face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Open the door," Decha massaged his nose and gestured at the lock.

"You weren't ever going to tell me that you were my donor. Were you?" Rory spat at him.

Decha froze. How did she find out? Did Jessica tell her? "Who told you?"

"I may be naive about a lot of things, Decha," Rory shook her head. "But I can figure things out on my own. I thought I was dreaming, but I realized I wasn't when I put everything together. You were rushing the day of my surgery. And I heard you and Jessica talk about it last night."

"Shite, open the door, Rory!" Decha dug into the door frame and tried pushing his weight against the glass.

"I'm more upset that you tried to hide it from me," Rory narrowed her eyes at him. "You know I'd never ask you to do something for me that was so... so... stupid!"

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