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Decha watched as Rory took out her lunch bag and opened it up. Lunch had arrived, but Decha was trying to think of any excuse to leave to check on Amir's status. He needed to make sure the cameras were set up properly and start gathering information on the school routines.

Rory pulled out a sandwich and read her father's note, before smiling and putting it away. Then she began to eat. She was very aware of the glare he was giving her.

"Is there something on my face?" Rory stopped chewing and covered her lips with her hand.

"Why haven't you told anyone about me yet?"


"I don't like repeating myself." Decha slouched forward.

"About what?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

Rory took a moment and thought about it. What was he talking about? Was he talking about the other night when he snuck into her room? Or was it the time before? "Oh! About you being a general—"

Decha slapped his hand over her mouth and pressed closer to her. "Shut your darn mouth." He hissed. She was crazy. What if someone else heard her? Decha snatched his hands away and sent her a warning with his eyes.

"Sorry. It's a bad habit."

"Why haven't you told anyone?"

"Well, I..." Rory frowned and placed her food down.

"Are you wanting something in return? Do you think I owe you? If anything, you owe me since I saved you. If you're wanting money, or—"

"Because you're protecting me." Rory intervened abruptly, and her response made Decha cough.


"Everyone else here views me like I'm a piece of garbage. They won't leave me alone until I'm tossed away somewhere, out of sight." Rory observed the cafeteria. Heather and Terence, although from separate tables were staring at her with evil intent. "You're the only person I trust. On this side of the Walls, I feel safe with you. And since I trust you, I've decided not to report you. I feel like you have a good reason for coming to Grandell."

"You feel safe around me? You trust me?" Decha cackled. He was beyond irritated. "Listen here, Bracketer." Decha snatched the bag and slid her food onto the floor without noticing. Rory looked at her food with a scowl, but Decha blocked it away from her vision. "You know who I am, you know what I'm capable of."

"I do."

"And you still feel that you can trust me? What fool from the slums feels safe around an Astellian?"


"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Decha poked her in her forehead.

"Not at all." Rory bit her lip nervously. "I'll admit, at first, I didn't want anything to do with you. But compared to everyone else, you don't look at me like I deserve to die."

"How do I look at you?" Decha scoffed. "I give this same look to everyone else."

"With pity," Rory answered him. Although his eyes appeared to be void and full of emptiness, Rory felt that there was an intense side to him. Maybe his eyes weren't full of darkness, but you had to dig deeper.

Decha pulled away from her and resumed eating his meal. He didn't know what to say. He decided not to continue the conversation. Rory stared at her wasted food in sorrow. "That night, I meant it when I said thank you."

"Shut up and eat." Decha spat.

"Were you hurt when you pulled me out of the way of the car?"

"Rory," Decha sighed. "You're pushing your limit."

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