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"We're here." Decha stopped and stared at the raggedy-looking apartment building in front of him. Amir pinched his nose and coughed.

"It reeks! These Bracketers sure don't keep their environment clean. This is definitely where they belong."

Decha squinted his eyes and noticed a beam of light shining down from one of the balconies. Decha grabbed onto the ladder that was attached to the wall of the entire building and began climbing. "I'm going up."

"Wait! What am I supposed to do?" Amir grabbed Decha by the leg.

"You can check and make sure no one sees me." Decha hissed and yanked his foot away.

"Do you think that woman's father is here?"

"If he is, then I'll need you to cause a distraction." Decha pulled himself up and over the fence.

"How am I supposed to cause a distraction!?"  Amir shouted softly.

"I don't know, cause a ruckus but don't be too loud. Whatever floats your boat." Decha shrugged. He turned around but a pair of ladies' underwear hanging on a low clothesline smacked him in the face. He grumbled and pushed the bra out of his way before making his way toward the window.

He thought it was odd, but it was open. There was just a curtain blocking the view. He nudged it aside with his fingers and peeked. Immediately, he was able to tell that the room belonged to Rory.

There were so many books stacked high on the desk across the room from where Decha was standing. On the walls, there were posters of engineering quotes, and drawings, probably made by her when she was a kid. There was a bed placed in between a nightstand and the desk, full-sized and covered in a purple comforter.

Decha climbed inside but was surprised to see a poster of an Astellian boy band by the closet. It was a pop band he was very familiar with. In fact, one of the members served and trained with him at camp. N9886 was the guy's name.

Decha took one step, but the sound of a voice nearing made him react quickly. He threw himself into the closet and hid behind the clothes. He could hear Rory walking into her room, but he wasn't expecting to see her wrapped in a bath towel.

She hummed as she walked over to her bed, placing the clothes she brought with her on top of the sheet. Decha looked away as Rory got dressed, his face turning redder than a tomato.

"One new message from Dad," POYO announced. "Please take your medication before going to bed. Do not stay up late studying."

"Thank you, POYO," Rory grumbled and loosened the towel around her hair. Her dark coils dropped right under her earlobe and she began fluffing it out. She picked up her phone and began texting her father back to not worry.

"A good night's rest is highly recommended by healthcare professionals for patients with your condition. Exhaustion can cause severe damage to your body."

"I know. I'll go to bed soon, POYO." Rory took the flash disk out of her phone, and the AI went away. Rory connected the disk to her laptop and then began styling her hair. An hour went by before she finally wrapped it and placed a bonnet over her head.

"Shite." Decha groaned. His legs were starting to hurt from standing in the same position for so long. He knew Amir was probably losing his mind while waiting outside.

Rory grabbed a book off her desk, opened it, and began writing something down. Suddenly, a loud crash sound was heard from outside, and Rory looked up and toward her window. She dropped everything there and ran toward her window. She climbed out of it.

Decha took this as a chance. He ran out of the closet and to her desk. He snatched the disk out of her computer and went to throw it on the ground and stomp it to shreds, but he stopped when he caught sight of whatever was written in her notebook.

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