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"I can't believe a Bracketer hit you, and you took it! If it were me, I would've—"

"Believe me, if he had ill intentions he would've done a lot worse. I only let him get away with it because Rory was with him. The man wouldn't have lasted if I struck him, and I didn't want to put her in a worse position."

"Bad intentions or not, he shouldn't have hit you." Amir clenched his fist. "You're a General, a High-rank Officer of Astell. There's not one person out there who hasn't heard about you."

"My identity hasn't been revealed to him. If he knew, he wouldn't have dared to touch me." Decha pulled his sleeves high and placed the cap over his head. The two were headed for the borders as the sun began to set.

In front of the large walls were long lines of people that extended to the train station. They were all waiting to have their bodies scanned and their bags to be searched.

It was a system that Decha requested the council to implement the night before. Strout went over it with the other counselors and they all agreed. This way, the generals could keep out any Smugglers for the time being.

Decha walked up to one particular checkpoint and studied the general stationed there from head to toe. "Unequip your gun, Mink. Keep it close to your holster. And widen your stance. If I nudged you, you would fall easily. We have to be firm in case anyone tries to get through without proper identification."

Decha commanded, using a term that was meant for lower-ranked Generals. He noticed that a lot of these Minks were from the agency or Patrol  Centers across both sectors.

"Yes, N96!" The general saluted and spread his legs.

Decha nodded and continued to monitor the checkpoints carefully. He was determined to make sure that no one would get by him.

"Did you file the report to Director Chen about your dismissal?"

"Focus, Amir," Decha spoke wearily. "We can discuss more later. Do you see the Bracketer family of 4 over there? Stop them and check to make sure they don't have any Metal or Iron on them. The little ones too. Sometimes parents will hide things in their kid's bags."

"You had me at stop the Bracketers." Amir smiled and saluted before walking to the next checkpoint a couple of meters away. Decha paced down the long lines, observing every person. Both Astellians and Bracketers would be held accountable.

However, Decha noticed one odd person standing in line. The person was covered in a long coat with a hoodie. It wasn't so strange, cold weather was approaching fast. But Decha examined as they looked left to right. They were far from the checkpoint, but they bolted out of line and headed straight for the city.

Decha strode after them. The person was also carrying a heavy black backpack, so Decha assumed the worst. The bag was shaped, not round as usual.

That made it more suspicious. "Amir, we have a runner headed West. Stay in Position, and alert the generals nearby to equip their weapons." Decha commanded on an earpiece.

"What does the runner look like?"

"Long coat, the color black. They're carrying a bag, one that's heavy. Approximately the size of an explosive."

"Heard. Generals by the West have received my signal. Proceed with Caution, Decha."

Decha followed the person toward the plaza that connected to midtown. Although midtown was a whole bus ride away, Decha decided to keep close. If he lost sight of them, it would be difficult for him to catch them.

Suddenly the person stopped at one building, and made a right, facing the direction of Grandell University. "Not today you won't," Decha whipped out his blaster and aimed it at the being.

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