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A/N: IMPORTANT!! Please let me know if you see Sector B on another profile. If it's not under caktwrites4u or caktwrites the book is plagiarized. I am the official and original author of this story. I do not appreciate people trying to steal my work.


Rory pushed herself off the bed, trying her best to balance herself. Her body still felt sore, but with enough effort, she could walk.

The generals that were guarding the door weren't there anymore. That relieved Rory. It was late in the night, probably around 1 AM. She couldn't sleep because of her new environment. The room was beautifully decorated, but the constant thought of understanding she was expected to stay to receive medication didn't sit well with her.

With the guards gone, she felt a sense of freedom. The entire day, Kristy kept checking on her. Rory was annoyed, and even more irritated every time she was offered a pill. Even when she was staying at home with her father, she never had been so closely watched.

The only thing that was missing from her hospital bed was a chain around her neck. That would've given the full effect of being locked in a dungeon.

Rory wanted to go outside. She felt stuffy. It wasn't unfamiliar for Rory to have that feeling. After all, with her sickness, she had been used to staying locked away in a room with a monitor keeping her awake through many sleepless nights.

Rory wobbled on her feet while trying to move forward. The floor was cold. Freezing even. "They could've at least given me socks," Rory grumbled and took a deep breath.

Focus. She needed to focus on the door. Her legs felt weak, but with enough willpower and determination, she would reach the door. She had to go to the bathroom, and she wasn't planning on asking any of the staff for help.

With careful steps, Rory made it to the door without falling. "I'm here," A soft sigh escaped her lips. Calm washed over her. She opened the door and poked her head out of the doorway.

The room she was staying in was placed in the middle of a long hallway. "What the heck?" Her jaw dropped.

There were only a few doors in the entire hall. Rory figured that one of them lead to a bathroom. But she was still vexed that she had so much more distance to walk.

Using the wall as her support, Rory made her way down the hall begrudgingly. The icy jolts of pain shocked her toes, but Rory pushed through. At one point, she felt dizzy.

"Almost there." Rory moaned and pressed on. Her fingers grazed the doorframe slowly, and when she saw the toilet inside she almost leaped for joy. It was the first time in the day that she actually felt so happy.

Rory did her business as quickly as possible and washed her hands. She didn't want Generals to hear her making commotion or the staff to try and check on her as if she was a child.

Rory left the bathroom and walked back toward her room, but a creepy aura stopped her. She stood in front of her door, noticing a detail that she didn't remember leaving there. Something was off.

"Was this door closed when I left?" Rory thought. She reached for the knob and opened it. Before she could react, a black glove covered her mouth, and a strong being slammed her against the wall.

A shriek escaped her as the person who held her against her will glared at her. The person was dressed in all black, and his face was covered by a scarf. He had piercing gray eyes that stared into her soul.

The man looked her up and down, and smiled. "I'm sorry, but there's something I need from you. I'll borrow it for a while."

Rory didn't dare speak. She felt that one wrong move would trigger an event she wasn't ready to face. Something about the man was familiar, but she couldn't put a pin on it.

Sector BWhere stories live. Discover now