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Rory snuck toward Theodore's office. She heard Decha talking earlier, so she assumed he must've come home early. She was happy about it because she wanted to ask him a few questions about her father.

She pressed her back against the wall, beside the door frame and waited for him to come out. She wanted to spook him a bit to see his reaction, as she was feeling a little mischievous today.

The moment she saw a black boot step out, she sprung forward and yelled 'Boo!'. But to her dismay, it wasn't Decha, but Theodore Chen himself. He stopped and glared at her.

Rory quickly straightened her shoulders and stepped aside, keeping her gaze on the ground. "I'm sorry, I thought... I just..." Rory stuttered, knowing very well that Theodore was the least patient with her out of all of the Chen household.

"I wouldn't recommend you trying that on N96. He doesn't take kindly to trickery or foolish pranks." Theodore's tone was dark and harsh, but he was very direct. He kept his eyes ahead and marched down the hall, leaving Rory more than nervous.

Decha stepped out soon after, and he almost passed her. He stopped when he spotted her out of his peripheral. "Rory,"

"Hi," Rory smiled at him and waved her hand.

Decha looked at the clock right above her head. "Did you eat dinner?"


"I'll be on my way then," Decha nodded, content with her reply. He brushed by her, but Rory span around quickly and grabbed him by his arm.

"Wait!" Rory stopped him, "There's something I want to ask..."

"What?" Decha relaxed his stoic expression.

"I know it's not possible for me to meet with my father. But..." Rory pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket and held it close to her chest. "I... I want him to know that I'm okay..."

Rory grabbed onto Decha's hands and placed the small paper in the palm. "I wrote him a letter. Could you please give it to him?"

"It's not possible." Decha gave the paper back to her. "Criminals with a high threat level aren't allowed to receive or send material while in the Agency's custody. It's a precautionary measure that Sector A takes."

"Oh..." Rory frowned. "Well can you tell him what I have to say? When you go back to the Agency?"

"I..." Decha rubbed the back of his neck, figuring out how to reject her request without telling her what exactly was going on. He had to focus on proving that Jamison was innocent. With only 6 days left, he wouldn't have the time.

Not only that, but Jamison was placed under strict security. It would be hard to approach him without authorization from the Council.

"Not likely." Decha responded softly. Rory clenched her fist causing the paper to become wrinkled and grimaced. "I'm busy with the case, and some of the investigation I have to do won't involve him."

"Is there no way for me to speak with him? Or—"

Decha poked Rory in the head, stopping her before she began endless rambling. "You're worrying again."

"It's... it drives me nuts knowing that he's not that far away. And I can't see him, or say anything."

"I assure you. When I've sorted things out, you'll be able to speak with him and see him again." Decha promised her. He was willing to go all the way to solve this case. It was a heavy weight on his shoulders, but he didn't mind it.

Rory grinned and exhaled softly. "Thank you." She stood on her tippy toes and embraced him. Before Decha could reciprocate, Rory pressed her lips against the side of his face and kissed him gently.

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