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While on their way back to the Agency, Jax and Decha saw the News Reports being broadcasted and replayed on displays of shops and buildings all over Downtown. Decha was furious. He was working his butt off on the case only for the Patrols to catch the said culprit.

Not only that, the culprit they identified was Rory's father. The man he'd been hunting down for 2 weeks. When they entered the Agency's building, Jax noticed the change in Decha's pace.

He was faster and less calculated. Jax could tell Decha was running in vexation. He bumped into many Agents while pushing his way through the main floor. Decha didn't even look back to apologize to anyone.

Decha nearly punched the up arrow button of the elevator, almost breaking it in the process. When the doors opened, he gave a single look, and all the Agents inside pooled out faster than the current of the ocean.

Everyone else could tell that the dark-eyed warrior was livid. They didn't want to be in his way. Jax entered with him in silence. The elevator went up.

The ding for each floor felt like a timer. Jax numbered the times Decha's shoulders and arms would tense the closer they reached the top floor.

The doors opened again, and Decha stomped out. One of the office workers jumped out of the way as Decha brushed by. "N96," Jax began as they passed a "do not disturb" sign on the way to one of the meeting rooms.

But Decha refused to listen.

"Decha!" Jax called out again. "You've gotta chill out. Director Chen is in a meeting. You should wait first—" He stepped in front of Decha and nudged him back by the chest.

"Out of my way," Decha commanded viciously.

"Decha, you should really calm down before speaking with him. You're not in your right mind right now. Whatever you say now will probably make things worse." Jax advised him.

"Don't interfere." Decha placed his hand on Jax's shoulder and pushed him aside. He barged through the meeting room door, and sure enough, his father was on a video call with the Council Members.

"Dech— N96!" Theodore gasped, appalled by the interruption. "Didn't you read? It says not to enter."

"There's something you and I have to discuss." Decha fumed.

"It can wait. Can't you see I'm in a meeting?"

Decha stormed right over to the table and grabbed a remote that controlled the display. Without saying a word, he cut the call. Theodore jumped out of his seat furiously. "What do you think you're doing!?"

"Doing you a favor." Decha spat. "I don't know what the heck crawled up your arse lately, Chen. Encouraging the Council to focus on the construction of the building across the street, and now Clarke's arrest? Is there anything else you're doing behind my back and not telling me?"

"Why are you acting like this, N96? This isn't how I raised you."

"I'm pissed!" Decha slammed the remote onto the wooden table, smashing it into pieces. Normally, Decha kept his emotions in check. "I work my arse off every day to solve this case. Whenever I give you information regarding the suspects, you take it, distort it, and take action on foolish behavior! You knew I was hunting down Clarke, you should've let me take charge!"


"And the fabricated reports about the Bracketers being to blame? Do you want another war to start? You'd rather have innocent people die than reason through—"

"Decha!" Theodore barked, cutting Decha off mid-sentence. "Clarke turned himself in. We didn't go after him."

"What?" Decha relaxed his shoulders a bit.

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