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Rory leaned back in her chair and smiled at her work. She just finished constructing a small earpiece that she had been working on to help Avon. Jessica helped get her parts, so she was able to take what was on the screen and make a physical device.

The entire room was smart. Without the technology, she would've taken forever to build. She was grateful to have finished this project. All she had to do now was transfer the programming and have Avon try it out to see if there were any serious bugs.

But it was late. The child was sleeping. She remembered hearing Jessica take him upstairs an hour ago. Rory decided to wait until tomorrow to test her newest creation.

Although late, she felt she couldn't sleep. There were too many thoughts running through her head. She kept thinking about Decha. She wondered how many women were at the event. How many of them were going to catch his eye? What if he brought one home?

She couldn't leave. He wouldn't allow her to. That meant she'd be forced to watch him fall in love and marry an Astellian woman. It's not that she didn't want him to find love. But she wanted to continue feeling the small flutters of happiness in her heart whenever he opened up to her.

She knew that there was no chance of her ever getting his attention. Male Generals liked strong women. All the women in Astell, especially the Generals, were full of strength and durability.

It was because they were rich. They had the resources to take care of themselves better. Compared to Astellians, Bracket women looked flimsy and weak. Her sickness only made her look worse.

She wasn't paper thin, but her thick legs and arms were like noodles. They were wobbly and disorderly. But her crush was a refresher. Even though her time was ending, thinking of Decha's smile kept her mind off of it.

His smile was warm. Any woman would fall for his smile. He had sharp features, which made him handsome, but a stern glare that frightened everyone around him. He always looked like he was in deep thought or looking to kill.

But Rory saw past that. She secretly knew there was much more to him than what meets the eye. Decha cared for his family. Especially of his younger sibling. He valued his work. He was determined. One thing Rory hated about him was that he was so secluded.

He always seemed conflicted, as if he were struggling to understand the basic actions of people around him. Rory wished he'd lower his guard a bit more. She wondered what caused him to be so closed off.

Rory was so lost in her thoughts about Decha she didn't realize she wandered outside to the back patio. There she could see over the horizon of trees and see the bright-colored lights. Astell was beautiful from this angle.

Oddly, she found herself appreciating more of the scenery. As usual, she felt at peace. When it started to snow, she only felt more serene and at ease.

Rory extended her hand to touch the flakes that swirled down toward her. She had only heard of snow, so to see it and experience it for herself was extraordinary. She stuck her tongue out like a child, and a flake landed on it.

The chill was satisfying to the taste. She twirled around as the snow fell quicker and in thicker volume.

She felt like it was the first and last time she'd ever get to feel this relieved. Rory giggled while touching and rubbing snow that began to build up on the railing.

Rory was so entranced by it, but her focus on the beautiful icy pebbles shifted to the danger that hovered in front of her. The murderous droid from nights before flew over the railing and landed right next to her.

A small gasp escaped her as she put up her guard. She looked at the door of the house, but she knew she couldn't go back inside. The robot would probably follow her and hurt everyone inside. It seemed that the Generals below the deck were still guarding downstairs, and the robot avoided them somehow.

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