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"Have you lost your gosh darn mind?" Theodore shouted at the top of his lungs, outraged at Decha's request. Decha wasn't fazed by his outburst. He thought about it several times, and he was expecting this reaction.

"Decha, we don't even know if you are compatible to donate any of your organs." Jessica voiced much softer than Theodore.

"Run some tests..." Decha huffed. "Run some tests and scan me."

"You can't donate your organs to a Bracketer, N96!"

"Last time I checked, there's no law saying I can't." Decha rebuked his father.

"You are one of Astell's greatest heroes! If you're not all in one piece, then part of our order won't be enforced! And what will people say!"

"No matter what I do, Astellians are going to run their mouths." Decha shrugged slightly. The pain in his abdomen prevented him from having full control of his upper body.

"You'd risk your reputation. Your whole career! All for a Bracket woman?"

"It's my decision. Back off."

"That decision of yours will ruin your life!"

"Back off!" Decha flipped the bird at his father. He couldn't understand why Theodore was so bothered by his decision.

"Theodore! Decha! Please!" Jessica intervened, having heard enough of the two. "Theodore, you told me you were here to pick up a file. So please continue."

"What kind of file? Why would you be picking up something from Mom? The medical field has nothing to do with your job." Decha clenched his teeth. It was very eerie.

"I came here to get an analysis of Jamison's medical records."

Before Decha could lash out, Jessica pressed a finger to his lips. "Your father was trying to see if Jamison was compatible to be a donor for Rory." Jessica fumed.

"Why would YOU do something like that?"

"Believe it or not, N96, I want you to be happy."

"Bullshite." Decha forced himself off the table, alarming everyone. Even in a lot of pain, Decha pushed. He snatched the flash-drive Theodore was carrying. "We had a deal. If you do anything to him—"

"Decha! Your father came to me because he was concerned for you! You're treating him as if he's a monster!"

"I won't let you step in. Don't bother trying to help Rory. You already know that criminals can't donate any organs." Decha looked over at his mom and glared at Theodore.

"He's incompatible anyway." Theodore mocked.

"All the more reason for me to get tested." Decha finished.

Once Decha was done talking, he fell forward. Amir caught him as Decha went fully unconscious.

"Put him back on the table!" Jessica panicked. Theodore left the room, not even bothering to look back. When Decha was laid across the surface and flat, Amir followed Theodore out so Jessica could treat Decha in peace.


Rory built up some courage to enter the infirmary. Earlier, she heard the commotion. But she could tell that the conversation was heated so she decided to wait until the remainder of the day was done.

Jax had left with a General that Rory recognized, but didn't know his name. Theodore took them to the Agency.

Jessica and Avon went out. So it was just her and Decha there. Jessica told Rory that Decha was hurt, but she didn't know how badly. But Rory felt that Decha was overworking himself and it must've had something to do with her father.

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