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Rory slapped her hand over her mouth the moment she said it.

Decha turned around quickly when he heard it. But nothing other than silence filled the room. Anyone could hear the pounding in their chests.

Decha remained calm despite the overwhelming feeling of joy brewing in his stomach. He smiled at her and opened his mouth to say something but Rory jumped up and began to ramble.

"Oh gosh! I meant that I love... uh... the decisions you make! You're good at making good decisions because you're a deep thinker, yknow? Wow, I just wish I had such a great mind like yours..."


"Seriously, how many books did you read to get so much wisdom? You know what? I love books. It's been a long time since I've touched a hardcover. Everything in Astell is digital, or on the tablets—"


"I didn't mean it! I was just kidding. I like you, I do, but love? Come on! Pfft!" Rory tried to make an excuse to get herself out of the situation.

"I love you too," Decha stated, and Rory's jaw dropped.

There was just no way. How could he say it so easily? "Are you sick?" Rory pressed her hand to his forehead, but he nudged it away.

"I'm not,"

"Wait... you're serious?" Rory thought it was very extremely bold of him to admit it. Because not only was he just an Astellian man proclaiming his love for a Bracketer, he was a General, An Outsider, confessing to a Bracket woman with nothing to her name. That was unheard of in the records.

"You're irritating, frustrating... over-emotional... impatient and you worry me half to death most times," Decha listed with his fingers, and Rory began to pout. "But... I do love you."


"No?" Decha raised a brow.

"No I meant... why are you... you're admitting it so easily! Why?"

"I thought you'd be a bit happier to hear me say it."

"To hear you say it drives me mad! Do you even mean it? Do you know the impact those words have? You never express yourself that much! Listen, just forget what I said—"

"I have a hard time expressing myself, that's true..." Decha nodded. "But if I'm not direct with you, nothing will get through to your head."

"Ugh." Rory folded her arms across her chest. "So what now? Does that mean we're like... an item or something?"


"This is my first time, okay? You've done this before. I'm not sure how it goes." She huffed. "The movies make it so much more romantic."

"What exactly were you expecting from me?"

"I don't know. Flowers? A kiss? Maybe even a poem? This is just so... awkward. We both love each other and there's nothing romantic. Is that normal? What did you do with Chai when you told her?"

"We snuck into the Head Office of Grandell and... did something that wasn't quite... family friendly. And after that, we told each other." Decha smirked.

"Oh." Rory felt embarrassed that she asked. "Ew? In the office? Where Dean Risor works?"


Rory couldn't believe him. He was way more experienced than she thought. "I know I shouldn't be asking this... but... what happens to us if Chai comes back into your life?"

"I'm over Chai..." Decha shrugged. "Have been for a year now."

"So if she were to come back... and wanted to be a part of your life... you'd just choose me?"

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