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"You again?" Decha grunted at the red-haired woman that stood at the entrance of the Agency. Abigail was a general, but she was not stationed to work there.

"Hi," Abigail smiled at him and fluttered her eyes. "My father told me what happened yesterday. Are you okay?" Abigail reached out to touch his arm but Decha snatched it away.

"Fine," He answered her in a harsh tone. "I hope you didn't waste your time coming here to check on me."

"It isn't a waste of time, you owe me a date." She winked at him.

"I don't owe you anything. How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not interested?"

"I'll keep bothering you until you change your mind," Abigail slid her hands up his arm. "I'm very persistent, you know."

"Annoyingly Persistent. Are you used to always getting your way?" Decha huffed. 

"Only for things I want. But I work for it, nothing is handed to me on a silver platter. And I like it that way."

"I hope you realize that you're taking my time away from work. And that can be considered a crime."

"And you're not stopping me." Abigail teased, and Decha grumbled. "What time do you get off?"

"Late," Decha didn't want to disclose any information about his schedule with her. He knew that she wanted to partner with him, but he had no interest in settling down with anyone. He hadn't given it any thought because he was always busy working. "Don't bother waiting for me."

"I'll do whatever I like," Abigail massaged one of his shoulders. Some of the Generals nearby stood near to watch the interaction between the two and were curious. They were surprised that Decha was even interacting with a woman.

"You're treading on dangerous ground, N926," Decha warned her. He was trying his best to let her down in the nicest way possible. But she was pushing him over his limit.

"Danger can be a little fun," She smirked. "I guess we have that in common, facing the danger instead of running away. We'll talk later. Kick some butt while at work." Abigail pulled away from him and blew him a kiss. Then she walked away.

Decha rolled his eyes and headed straight for Theodore's office. On the way to the top of the building, he received plenty of stares from his colleagues. But Decha ignored every single one.

Some of the other Generals were whispering, and Decha only heard partial bits of it. He understood they were talking about him, but he wasn't sure what about him. When he arrived at Director Chen's office, Jax was at the door, ready to greet him with a bunch of questions.

"N96," He slapped his hand onto Decha's shoulder. "You sly freaking dog,"

"What did you just call me?" Decha snapped, taking offense. He was ready to put Jax in a headlock for disrespecting him.

"I never thought you'd show interest in Chauncey's daughter." Jax hummed.

"She shows interest in me." Decha snorted and sat in the director's chair. He pressed a button and a holographic screen appeared. He began typing away for information about Jamison.

"So nothing is going on between you two? Because she looked like she had you claimed. You looked at her like you were—"

"I'm not interested." Decha shrugged.

"You're Crazy." Jax shook his head. "You're not a bad-looking guy. At the Program, several women were lined up waiting to talk to you. And you say that you have no interest in any of them." Jax remembered that he usually spent his time commanding other Generals or working. "I really do think you might be spending a bit too much time with the guys."

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