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Rory didn't wanna get out of bed the next morning, but she forced herself to. She knew if she didn't, Jessica would come barging into her room to make sure she was okay.

Her face was still red and hot. The kiss between her and Decha was still on her mind. Her thoughts went wild, and she couldn't sleep well. She tossed and turned in bed constantly, wondering what Decha's action meant.

It was her first kiss. Her first kiss was with a General, an Astellian man. Someone she had a crush on.

Just the thought of it made her ears steam. She was hesitant, but she preferred to be at the kitchen table rather than having Jessica ask her questions about her velvet-colored cheeks. She didn't even bother to check herself in the mirror.

Her hair was a mess, a thick coily wild Afro, but it didn't matter to her. Only Jessica and Avon and a couple of housemaids would be there. The Generals guarding the home were always outside, and Decha and Mr. Chen were most likely at work already.

She made her way into the kitchen still distracted by the memory of Decha's soft lips against hers. She paid no attention and bumped into the wall a couple of times before finally sitting down at the dining table.

Already out on display and prepared were boiled eggs, soft fluffy loaves of bread in a basket, a jar of honey, pan-fried pork belly slices, and porridge.

Rory took some of the bread and broke it in half. She drizzled some honey on top of it and then took a piece of the pork. When she began to eat, her mind drifted back to Decha.

Was it bad that she wanted more from him? She knew that he was an Astellian General, someone who was very worthy of respect and authority, someone who was in a much more elevated position than she would ever reach.

She wanted to respect his position and his boundaries. But lately, she wanted to be selfish. She wanted him to be a part of her life. Selfishness was a bad thing, but was it really so bad in this scenario?

After all, he kissed her first. What else was she supposed to think? Did that mean he liked her? Did he do it because he pitied her? What were his intentions?

Rory's eyes drifted off her plate to the seat next to her. She frowned. Decha was on her mind so much that morning that she was even starting to see him in front of her. "Stupid hallucination," Rory growled.

"Morning," The figure of Decha responded. Rory blinked once, and he was still there. She blinked again, and Decha's figure began reaching for a bread loaf. It took her a moment to realize that the person next to her was actually him, and not just an imaginary being.

Rory jumped up, in shock. "Decha!" She gasped and placed her hands over her head. She was embarrassed by her appearance. "Oh my gosh!"

"Relax," Decha rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to take all the food."

"What are you doing here!?"

"I told you before, I live here." Decha took a bite of his bread and leaned on the back of the chair.

"I have to um... I need to check on my—"

"Sit down," Decha shook his head.

"I can't. I look... I uh..."

Decha grabbed her shoulder and nudged her back into her seat. "Eat." Was all he said before taking a scoop of eggs and tossing it into a small plate in front of him.

The eerie air brushed against Rory's skin, causing her to get chills. What if he noticed the red on her face? What if he thought she had a fever? After that kiss, she wanted to stay away from him as far as possible.

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