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The Agency was very lively and busy when Decha arrived. It was around midday, the usual slow time of day, so he was quite surprised to see everyone running around back and forth. It wasn't until Decha entered the computer room that he understood why.

The Agents were running back and forth, carrying large boxes full of storage disks outside. Some were at their desks unplugging their own PCs. Theodore, Jamison, Amir, and Jax were all up front, along with Amir's friend whom he recognized when they first started investigating.

What was his name again? That's right, Henry.

Decha walked down the aisle of desks and chairs and everyone paused what they were doing and watched him. It's as if they'd seen a ghost. Decha wondered why they were all staring. But a second later, everyone began saluting him.

Decha stopped walking and studied everyone suspiciously. "What are you all looking at?"

"N96!" Henry called and motioned him over. "It's an honor to see you again. I'm so excited that we finally get to work together!"

"Pipe down a bit, Henry," Theodore spoke harshly, and Henry coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous."

"Why is everyone disassembling their computers?" Decha nodded to the Agents behind them.

"These two are the only ones that haven't been corrupted by Kilos," Jamison answered and pointed to the two screens.

"We arrived a little late. By the time we got here, Kilos was already tapped into most of the Lab. Clarke stopped it at just these two." Jax explained.

"And why is he here?" Decha pointed at Henry.

"N9899 and N95 told me that you wanted Jamison to take over the computers while you go and chase Deliverance. I'd rather you take some of my Agents with you, but you seem to have already formulated a plan. But I'm assigning Henry to your headsets too, just to make sure this Bracketer doesn't try anything against my team."

"He won't," Decha brushed by Theodore and slapped his hand on Jamison's shoulders. "Not if he knows what's good for him." His words were voiced politely, but Jamison knew well that it was a threat.

"I'll keep checking in," Theodore sighed. "Do whatever you have to do to protect Astell... and The Brackets."

"Will do," Decha nodded. "Let's suit up." He gestured at both Amir and Jax. The three men exited the computer lab and went into the armory next door. There, they equipped heavier gear. The armor they wore was firm.

"Dress light," Decha ordered them and took away their helmets. "You guys don't need this."

"Have you lost your mind again?" Amir scoffed, "You're saying we don't need our HELMETS?"

"Sort of," Decha pressed his lips thin. "I have a good feeling that we won't need them,"

"So our safety depends on your good feeling?" Amir narrowed his eyes. "I'm taking mine, just in case,"

"Suit yourself, literally," Jax snickered and shrugged.

"We have to think things through before heading to the coordinates. Windsor could be tracking us through his team. So we need to figure out a way to get there without being spotted."

"Why can't we just use one of the Agency's shuttles? There's a signal jammer inside." Amir suggested.

"Too big and too noisy," Decha shook his head. He clapped his hands together and the display with POYO's coordinates popped up.

"It may take us a while to get there, but there's an underground tunnel, right under the Agency. It hasn't been used in years, but maybe one of the pods could take us and connect directly with another tunnel to get to this neighborhood."

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