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Rory felt cold.

The large mansion before her was enough to send shivers down her spine. She never expected the general who was taking care of her to live in such a massive home.

She was transported from a medical shuttle to the mansion with at least 10 other heavily armed men surrounding her.

It was as if Decha was afraid she'd run away. Although her body was still sore, she felt strong enough to carry herself. Some of the generals lead her inside. Decha wasn't too far behind.

The moment they entered the home, a line of butlers and maids bowed their heads to Decha, but they kept their harsh gaze on Rory as if she were one of them.

A short woman with black hair pushed open double doors that lead to a grand staircase. Rory noticed that she looked similar to Decha, and reasoned it must have been his mother. His mother stopped in front of Decha with a smile, and Decha remained stiff with no change of expression.

He was purposely being stoic because he was still on the clock.

The woman then walked over to Rory and looked her body up and down. "You... don't look sick." She raised a brow suspiciously.

"I made sure she was in stable condition before I brought her here," Decha replied monotonously, before turning to the generals behind him. "You all can leave now. The bodyguards outside will handle the rest." Decha dismissed them. The 10 generals nodded and heeded the command respectfully.

Jessica grabbed Rory's arm, and she flinched. "Don't resist," Jessica warned her. "Your pulse is normal. But we need to examine your organs closely. As well as your blood samples."

"I don't need an examination." Rory quipped. "I'm fine." She didn't want to be scanned. Her medical records needed to be updated. The ones Decha got a copy of were the ones before she received the letter about her health getting worse.

Rory knew if this woman took blood samples from her, she'd get an indication that something was wrong. For now, she decided to keep it a secret and die out in peace.

Rory snatched her hand away, growing anxious that the woman could sense her health issue just by touching her.

"Did you eat?" Jessica asked her.


"What's her diet like N96? What's the hospital been feeding her?" Jessica used her son's formal title, not wanting to offend him while he was at work

"Poultry, fish, veggies, and fruit. Very small amounts of carbs." Decha recited as if it was a daily routine for him. "No red meat."

"You're controlling what I eat now, too?" Rory grumbled. This man was starting to act like her father. Overreactive and controlling.

"You know what you're supposed to eat and what you can't have. I don't see why it's a problem." Decha spat.

"I'll have the chefs prepare her meals accordingly."

"I told you, I'm fine!" Rory raised her voice. "I don't need to be babied. I can take care of myself—"

"When you've finished helping her settle, I'll bring her to our infirmary," Jessica spoke over Rory as if she were nothing but dust. Rory then remembered that she was in an Astellian home.

No one was going to listen to her.

Jessica tapped Decha's shoulder with a soft smile and left the two alone. "I don't want her to scan me." Rory looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please don't let her scan me."

"I won't. But she's going to have to take a blood sample. She has her reasons."

"What is she? A nurse?"

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