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The discomfort in Rory's stomach subsided slightly when the pod parked right outside the gate. It was already dark outside. When Rory looked out of the window, she was stunned at what she saw.

There were at least 3 large shuttles. Surrounding the home were many Generals dressed in heavy gear. Some were equipped with blasters, others were equipped with tech she had never seen before.

An air shuttle flew over the pod before flashing its bright neon-colored lights at her and Abigail. Rory realized that it was past curfew. She forgot about the time. A loud voice boomed out of the shuttle's speakers.

"Trespasser dressed in the black hoodie. Identify yourself or face the harsh penalty for entering on private property." The tone was harsh. The moment the speaker uttered words about a harsh penalty, the Generals at the gate of Decha's house all held their blasters aimed at them.

Abigail hopped out first with her hands in the air. "We're not trespassers! This is N926! I am returning a refugee to her temporary place of residence!" She held her wrist high in the air. There was a thin black bracelet around it, and a General came up to scan it.

When he got the confirmation of her identity, he backed away and motioned at the others. The shuttle went away, but the front door of the house swung open. Decha stepped out with an infuriated gaze on his face.

Instead of acting out, he gestured at the gates. The Generals who were near the pod motioned the women to walk forward. Abigail helped Rory out of the pod and guided her toward the house.

The walk was slow and nerve-wracking. Alongside Decha were Jax and Theodore. All of them looked very upset. Rory barely reached the patio before he voiced a command to one of the maids in a harsh tone. "Take Rory to her room." He dismissed her with his eyes.

"There's something you should know–" Abigail began, but she was cut off by Decha's words.

"I don't want to hear anything from you, N926."

"It's important–" Abigail tried to explain, but Decha wasn't having it.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't have you stripped of your title, fired from the agency, and have all your pins removed?" Decha spat. "You disobeyed my orders. I gave you a clear command to stay away. To stay out of my sight."

Rory wasn't aware of what was going on. She thought Decha was angry because she came back after curfew, but there seemed to be more to the story.

Did Abigail harass him? Were he and Abigail on horrible terms? She wished she had known that before going out to Kikos with her willingly.

"Decha, I'm not sure what's going on but–" Rory began, but the look she got from him terrified her into piping down.

"Address me as N96," Decha demanded. "As for you, N926, you're under arrest for the intrusion of an official's home, kidnapping a refugee, and–"

"Kidnap? She didn't kidnap me. I went willingly. She didn't intrude. The guards at the gate let her in!" Rory argued.

"Know your place, Bracketer." Decha snapped.

Rory scoffed at him. "Bracketer?" Although it was her nationality, she felt offended that he used the term as a slur for her. He'd never done that to her before, ever.

"When I am giving a command, an order for the greater good, you are to stand down and obey."

"You can't make an arrest under false accusations and call it the greater good! I understand that you're Mr. Big shot around all your colleagues. But all I'm asking is that you cool off for once and listen. Abigail didn't kidnap me. I went willingly. I forgot about the curfew–"

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