11) A Lonely Valentines' Day

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------------Y/N POV

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February 14th... A day filled with love and happiness, with couples from all over the globe spending time together. The annual festival of joy is filled with chocolates and kisses, with hearts filled with joy and red flowers given to people's significant others. It was Valentine's day...

However, despite having an adored girlfriend, you were alone on the day of love.



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It wasn't okay...

You and Hanni were supposed to have a lovely dinner today, having a fancy restaurant spot reserved in case. However, she had to cancel at the last minute since her company wanted her to celebrate it with her group and fans on a live stream.

Although you knew that it wasn't Hanni's fault that she couldn't spend the day with you, it still hurt that she wasn't with you on a day practically made for couples.

After the time she canceled on you, you haven't been on a date with Hanni ever since, with Hanni always canceling our dates. Something always comes up whenever you guys plan a day to hang out. She might have practiced late at night... She might have to attend an award show... She might be in another country for out-of-nowhere promotion... Whatever the case... She always cancels at the last minute.

Although she always apologizes and blames the intense schedule for all her problems, it hurts... You knew you couldn't be an obstacle in her career, but still... You felt like she didn't care about us anymore.

You had always treasured and wanted the best for Hanni. She has worked hard for her future; you were with her from the start. You were her best friend from the beginning when she was a trainee, always supporting her. You even wrote and produced the song that she auditioned for ADOR with about the love we felt for each other.

Hanni would sob on your shoulder after the dreadful weekly evaluations. She would constantly rant about how difficult her trainee life was. She used to starve herself, wanting to fit the idol standard. She would always practice in front of you, wanting any feedback from the man she loved.

You loved and admired Hanni's drive and ambition to become an idol, and when you saw her passion, you wanted to support her even more. You did everything to make her happy, from comforting her to learning how to cook to making her foods suitable for her diet and being her emotional support, mentally and physically. You went from best friends to lovers, her wanting to be with you, and you feeling the exact same way.

However, as Hanni's responsibilities as an idol grew, you felt that our connection, which used to be strong as nails, broke apart and crumbled onto the floor. Hanni's schedule became increasingly busy, needing to balance all her performances and practices with her rest time. Hanni would rarely get a full 8 hours of sleep, needing to take naps anywhere she could. Most of the time during our late-night calls, it would be her getting ready to sleep or falling asleep right away, barely talking to you.

You tried to be understanding, knowing she was doing this for her career, but you couldn't help but feel sad and left out. You put everything into your relationship, but it felt like Hanni wasn't doing the same. It was like the girl that used to be so delightful and loveable had been replaced by a workaholic girl.

You tried talking about it... You told her your feelings.... How you felt alone and unhappy that Hanni wasn't putting effort into our once blooming relationship.



After another canceled date, you facetime called Hanni late in the night, wanting to talk about how you felt. She answered facetime while getting ready for bed after her exhausting day.

Hanni: "Hey Babe... What's up?" she said tiredly. "I'm about to go to sleep... I feel so tired... *yawn*" she said sleepily. You watch as she sets up the phone, pointing the camera at her sleepy face as she lies on the bed.

Y/N: "Hey Hanni... We need to talk..." you said in a serious tone. After you said that, the call went silent, with a chill mood filling the air. It stayed quiet for a few seconds until Hanni responded.

Hanni: "A-am I in trouble?" she responded with a shaky voice while getting up from the bed.

Y/N: "No..." you replied. "I just wanted to talk about how I feel and our relationship..." you said as another silence filled the air.

You waited for her to respond, but Hanni didn't. She just looked deeply into the camera, with crystals slowly forming in her eyes, with Hanni about to cry.

Y/N: "Recently... I have been feeling lonely... I know you're busy... I know... But still... I wish we could spend more time together..." You said genuinely. You watched as Hanni didn't move a muscle, her eyes and nose turning red. "Even when we finally plan a date... You cancel on us... It hurts Hanni... It really does..." you said, telling her your true feelings. "I miss the old times..."

You paused, hoping she would understand how you felt. You look at the camera, and you see Hanni with tears flowing down her face... As the rivers of sadness flowed out of her eyes, she said.

Hanni: "I'm sorry..." she replied, looking down. "I'm s-sorry Y/N...." she said as she sniffled.

You couldn't help but feel bad, and you hated seeing Hanni crying, but at the same time... You wanted to let her know how much these problems were affecting me...

Hanni: "I'm s-sorry Y/N... Please don't leave me..." she said, breaking your heart.

Y/N: "I won't ever leave you, Hanni..." you replied. "I love you more than anything..." you replied. After that, she apologized through the night, and you finally thought she would learn, and our relationship would finally be fixed.


But the same problems returned. It's as if it went from one ear to the other, her genuinely not listening to what you were saying.

And today the same problem has returned... Hanni was too busy to spend a significant day together... It hurts because you can't even be mad at her... You're sure she wanted to hang out, but she is shackled to her idol duties.

You walked around the city, not wanting to sit in your misery. But the streets were filled with couples with bright smiles. You were jealous... Jealous of what everyone had... A happy relationship... You tried to brush off your loneliness and treat this day like any other day. But you couldn't...

You wanted to be with Hanni right now... You wanted to hold her hands as you both walked around the city. But you couldn't... You were alone...

Wow done... It's highkey hard to write angst. Like man I don't know what to write about. I hope the story makes sense and hope y'all feel a little heartbroken reading this. Anyway if you have any suggestions plz let me know as I need them 👁️👄👁️ and I hope yall have a great day.

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