22) Hanni's Feelings after the Breakup

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Hanni's POV

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Hanni's POV

After a day filled with rigorous dance practice, you felt exhausted. The rehearsal had centered on mastering complicated dance moves, and you had poured your energy into perfecting every step.

As practice concluded, you and your fellow Newjeans members decided to unwind at a nearby boba shop.

As you walked into the little shop, the aroma of tea and the cozy ambiance provided a welcome contrast to the demanding routine.

While waiting for your boba order, you observed a couple at a nearby table, engrossed in each other's company. This sight triggered memories of your own time with Y/N – the shared laughter, the playful banter, the dreams you once nurtured together. A pang of sadness tugged at your heart as you reflected on what had been.

You wondered how he has been...


As you left the cafe, a storm of emotions rages within you, relentless and unforgiving. Each step back to the dorm feels like a journey through eternity, the weight of your decision an anchor on your heart.

You had just dumped the person you have been seeing for years... The person that loved you with all his heart...

Y/N's face is etched into your mind, his eyes pleading, his voice trembling as he whispers, "Hanni... Don't go... I love you." Those words echo like haunting melodies in your mind, tugging at the core of your being.

The choice to end your relationship has been brewing beneath the surface for a while. You had lost feelings for him... You no longer felt the same way as you used to. You were no longer in love...

Even though you believed that it was the right thing to do, uncertainty slithers its way in – have you truly made the correct decision?

The warmth of Y/N's affection is undeniable, and you wanted him to find a love that returns his boundless devotion. He's been nothing but kind and patient, an unwavering presence in your life. He deserves happiness, a love that sets his heart ablaze.

But you've come to recognize the truth: you aren't the one to provide that happiness. He hasn't wronged you; Y/N deserves a partner who feels for him the way he feels for you.

It isn't that he has changed; it's you. The demands of your idol career have shifted your focus, and as you ascend that ladder, there's less room for us, less room for him. Feelings you once held dear have begun to dim, fading into the backdrop of your aspirations.

The brutal honesty is that you're the problem... You're the one eager to immerse yourself in the world of an idol. You're the one who's stopped to prioritize him. You're the one whose heart has distanced itself from the path you both once walked hand in hand.

How can you justify keeping someone like Y/N by your side? He's more than worthy, more than deserving of a love that reciprocates his own.

To hold onto him when your heart no longer sings for him would be a betrayal, a selfish act driven by fear of loneliness rather than love.

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