18) The Breakup

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With sadness in your heart, you walk over to the cafe where you and Hanni used to spend countless hours sharing laughter and many great memories. From our first meeting to the day you confessed your feelings, this cafe has been a significant part of your relationship.

As you walk, memories of yesterday's painful encounter replay in your mind, the pain engraved deep within your heart.

How could Hanni forget your birthday, your special day? It felt as if your existence didn't matter to her anymore.

At first, you weren't sure if your feelings were valid, and maybe you were being dramatic. But as a significant other, it is one of your duties to remember stuff like this, and the ache in your heart was proof enough that your feelings were right.

As you enter the cafe, you spot Hanni sitting there, her face partially concealed by a mask and a hoodie.

She looks up at you, her eyes showing both guilt and sadness. You sit across from her, readying yourself for the conversation you know must happen.

You guys sat silently for a bit; both of you were not saying a word. As you look at her, she stares right in the eyes, her beautiful eyes showing a deep pain within.

Hanni then breaks the silence with her apologizing.

Hanni: "Y/N... I'm really sorry for forgetting your birthday," she started, her eyes showing sadness. "These past few months have been overwhelming with work, and I've struggled to keep up with everything. I don't have time to care for myself, much less sleep... But that's not an excuse for forgetting something so important to you," she said, her voice tinged with a tinge of sorrow and exhaustion.

You listened, with your heart breaking with each word. You wanted to tell Hanni it was alright, that you understood her pressures. But the feeling of betrayal stopped you. You wanted to be an understanding boyfriend, but your feelings clogged up your throat and prevented you from uttering a single word.

Instead, you nodded, your eyes reflecting understanding and pain. As Hanni spoke, you couldn't help but remember the days when you two were inseparable, when Hanni's support and love were the pillars that held him up, and you did the very same.

But that all would come down with the next thing Hanni would say...

Hanni began to stutter her words; she hesitated for a moment before continuing, her voice trembling slightly.

Hanni: "I need to be honest with you, Y/N," she said softly, her gaze meeting his. "My feelings... they've changed. The love I once felt for you... it's no longer there." she says softly, with those words making your heart shatter into a million pieces.

Your heart plummeted, and your breath caught in your chest. Before this meeting, you had braced yourself for this possibility, but hearing it confirmed was a devastating blow.

The weight of her words settled upon you, smothering you with a sense of loss. You wanted to speak, to protest against the fading love between them, but the words eluded you, trapped beneath the surge of emotions.

Hanni: "I just don't feel the same anymore, Y/N..." Hanni continues, her voice shaky. "The butterflies I used to get when I saw you, the racing of my heart... it's all gone. This relationship... Feels like a hassle to me..." she said honestly. "I don't want to hold onto a relationship that I no longer feel deeply for..."

Each word she utters feels like a dagger to your heart as you try to hold back the tears in your eyes. The world around you seems to fade away, leaving only the pain of her words echoing in your mind.

Hanni: "It's not you, it's me... Please understand," she says. "It wouldn't be fair to you or me. We deserve to find happiness, even if it means moving forward without each other," she finished.

You then watched silently as Hanni got up from the table, her sad eyes mirroring his anguish.

"How could I be happy without you with me... You were my happiness... I need you"

Your heart pleaded for her to stay, to give "us" another chance, but the words you yearned to say were trapped beneath the weight of unshed tears.

The silence between them became deafening, suffocating him with unspoken words and unexpressed emotions.

You desperately want to say something... Anything... that might change her mind, but your voice fails you. Your heartbreak is evident, and the tear that escapes your eye shows your genuine emotions.

Hanni: "I'm sorry, Y/N... but it's over," she finally says, her eyes filled with sorrow as she walks away.

As Hanni walked away, memories of all the happy times you shared flooded your mind: laughter, love, and moments of pure joy danced before your eyes.

Her beautiful smile... The loving things she has done for me... The feeling of our love when we confessed... The feelings when we cuddled... The euphoria of our first kiss...You thought of all those things...

In a desperate attempt to hold onto her, you reached out and grabbed onto Hanni's wrist.

"Don't go...Stay With me!" You scream in your mind.

The touch was both a plea and a desperate act of defiance against the imminent loss he was about to face. You wanted to tell her not to leave, to confess your love for her, but your voice failed you.

The silence hung heavily between them, filled with unspoken yearnings and unfulfilled promises. You had to say something...

Y/N: "Hanni... Don't go... I love you" you muttered out.

Hanni's face turned somber, her eyes meeting yours for a brief moment. With a heavy sigh, she gently released her wrist from your grip.

Hanni: "I'm sorry Y/N..." she said one last time as she walked away, leaving your life.

You watched as she walked away, the weight of her absence sinking deep into his soul.

Alone at the table, you couldn't hold back the flood of emotions any longer. Tears streamed down your face, mingling with the remnants of shattered hopes and unspoken love. The facade of strength you had worn crumbled, exposing the vulnerability and pain lurking beneath the surface.

In the midst of the bustling cafe, you allowed yourself to grieve, to mourn the loss of a love that had once consumed your heart. The tears flowed freely, a testament to the depth of his feelings and the magnitude of the emptiness that now consumed you.

As the world continued moving around you, tears flowed down your face, suffering from the love of your life leaving you for good.

With each tear that fell, you silently vowed to carry the memories of their love and lessons learned, cherishing their shared moments.

You opened up your phone to see a home screen of both you and Hanni still madly in love.

"I love you, Hanni..." you thought as teardrops fell on your phone. "Please don't leave me..."


Doneeeee!!!! WoW finally!!!! Hopefully it will be a lot easier writing now. Hopefully all you guys are heartbroken.🫣

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