48) I Don't Know What Do

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Hanni's POV

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Hanni's POV

You stood in front of the mirror, trying to psyche yourself up for what lay ahead – talking to Y/N. The nerves tangled within you, dancing a jittery tune in your stomach.

Hanni: "Alright, Hanni, you've got this!" you tried to pep yourself, mustering a grin. "Just think Minji's advice. Easy peasy, just tell him how you feel!"

You struck a playful fist in the air, attempting to boost your confidence.

Hanni: "Today's the day! No backing down!" you declared, wanting to believe it. "I'll walk in there, flash a smile, and voilà! Y/N will be back in my life!"

But as the scenarios played in your mind, doubts tiptoed in.

Hanni: "What if you trip on your way? Or worse, what if you suddenly blurt out gibberish?" You chuckled at the absurdity of your thoughts, but the worry lingered.

Pacing back and forth, wild ideas sprouted.

Hanni: "What if Y/N gives me the 'who-are-you-again?' look?" You spiraled into worry. "What if he just ignores me?" You say to yourself as your worries deepen. "What if I make everything worst..." you said as your mood begin to sadden.

Your phone became a tempting escape route, contemplating a text instead of facing potential awkwardness.

Hanni: "Maybe a text would be better...?" you pondered. You thought about it for two seconds before you shook your head vigorously. Last time it was a call that caused this whole mess. "No way! Face-to-face is the way to go! Pull yourself together, Hanni!" You said trying to get yourself back in the zone.

*Tap Tap*

A sudden knock from your door broke your train of thought. Startled, you turned to see Minji peeking in.

Minji: "Are you done talking to yourself, Hanni? We are going to be late if you don't hurry up!" she said , a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Your cheeks reddened, caught in the midst of your self-encouragement. You giggled, feeling a tad embarrassed.

Hanni: "Ah, umm... Yeah... Sorry I was just... psyching myself up," you admitted, a mix of sheepishness and sincerity in your smile. "Big plans ahead, you know?"

Minji chuckled, stepping into the room.

Minji: "I know, I heard," she teased, trying to lighten the mood. "But hey, you've got this! You're Hanni, the funny mood maker! You got this!" She said making you chuckle.

Your gratitude swelled at Minji's encouragement.

Hanni: "Thanks, Minji," you said, feeling a bit more assured. "I just hope I don't end up... you know, terrible..."

Minji laughed softly, offering a comforting pat on your shoulder.

Minji: "You'll do great. Just be yourself," she reassured, flashing a warm smile. "And remember, even if it gets a little weird, you'll find a way! You got this! Just keep it simple and honest!"

Just Say It Back ( Hanni x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now