20) The Email that Changed your Life

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In your inbox, a message from the competition organizers caught your attention. The contents left you utterly astonished – you had won the competition!


Dear Y/N,

We are thrilled to inform you that your song submission has been chosen as the winner of the Song Producer Competition. Your song stood out among numerous entries, showcasing exceptional talent and creativity. As the winner, you will receive a cash prize of $1000, along with the opportunity to have your song presented to various prominent music labels.

During the competition, your song has caught the attention of HYBE. They have expressed interest in considering your song as the title track for LE SSERAFIM's upcoming album. We will facilitate the introduction and communication between you and HYBE to explore this exciting opportunity further.

Please respond to this email at your earliest convenience to confirm your participation and to initiate the process of sharing your song with the music labels and HYBE.

We want to express our heartfelt congratulations on this achievement. Your talent is undeniable, and we are excited to see your music making waves in the industry.

Best regards,
[Competition Organizer]


As you absorbed the words in the email, disbelief mixed with exhilaration. Winning the competition was surreal, but the fact that HYBE was interested in your song for LE SEERAFIM was simply mind-blowing. One of the biggest labels in K-Pop wanted to feature your composition as a title track – it felt like a dream come true.

You responded promptly, eager to seize this remarkable opportunity. Minutes later, an email arrived with details about a meet up between you and the CEO to discuss your future plans.

They wanted to have a meeting to confirm all the details about using your song in their latest album as well as the money they will pay for the rights of the song.

With excitement and anticipation, you agreed to the meeting scheduled in the upcoming days.


A few days passed, and you found yourself standing outside the imposing HYBE building

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A few days passed, and you found yourself standing outside the imposing HYBE building. The security at the entrance was rigorous, their scrutiny making you slightly uneasy. You knew that they were a huge company, with a bunch of artist under them, but for security to be this tight scared you a bit.

After confirming your meeting with the CEO at the front desk, you were finally allowed inside and was guided to a meeting room.

As you waited in the room, a whirlwind of excitement and anxiety filled your mind. This moment could very well mark an important step in your career.

You cast your gaze around the room, your eyes landing on a painting adorning the wall. Your mind raced, conjuring scenarios and rehearsing introductions, all in an attempt to make the best first impression.

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