32) Did He Move on?

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Hanni POV

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Hanni POV

Your eyelids fluttered open as you slowly awoke from your nap in the practice room. The exhaustion from the intense practice sessions had finally caught up to you, leaving your body and mind drained.

Before your small nap, you had desperately needed a short break to recharge, even if it meant just an hour of sleep in the studio.

You raised your hands in the air, wanting to stretch all your muscles to wake up fully. As Your gaze wandered around the dimly lit room, you couldn't help but notice the jacket that now lay draped over you.

At first, your groggy mind couldn't process it properly. This jacket wasn't yours, and you didn't recall bringing it with you when you came to practice.

Your fingers brushed over the fabric, and recognition dawned upon you. It was Y/N's jacket.

The scent that clung to it was unmistakable – a familiar blend of his cologne and the comforting warmth of his presence.

He probably saw that you were cold and put his jacket over you. He is such a sweet guy...

A soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you held the jacket close. You didn't know why, but as you held his jacket close to your chest, you could feel all the stress slowly fade away.

Hanni: "Y/N..." you whispered to yourself, your heart warming at the thought of him looking out for you, even in these small, unspoken ways.

You remember that you would only keep each other relationship as co workers only and although this wasn't professional, it was sweet...

You carefully folded the jacket, its soft fabric a tangible reminder of his thoughtfulness. Your mind wandered back to the time when you were together, the memories of your past relationship flooding your thoughts.

You remembered the countless nights when you would come to his cozy apartment, utterly exhausted from a long day of practices and schedules. Y/N, ever the caring boyfriend, would welcome you with a warm smile and a gentle hug.

Afterward, you would cuddle on the couch, talking about your day or simply reveling in the peaceful moments you shared.

Those memories were precious to you, and even though you were no longer a couple, they still held a special place in your heart.



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