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As you sat through the lineup of performances for the day, you couldn't help but think about what was Hanni trying to express during this performance. Maybe you were overthinking it but... You thought that she was trying to apologize for our past relationship in the song.

It seemed like the song she sang had carefully chosen lyrics that seemed to whisper an old love story between the two of you— and it had a hidden apology embedded in every verse.

Each note she sang rang echoes of your shared history. The song felt like a beautiful acknowledgment of flaws, a sincere expression of remorse for lost moments, and a longing for what once bloomed.

The song seemed to be almost like a POV of her side and her feelings. It was very touching and very eye-opening.

You were happy that she noticed that you were a good significant other to her but you weren't sure how to feel romantically anymore.

Throughout the song, Hanni expressed her sadness about how she treated you in the relationship. But it also implied that Hanni still cared about you and missed our old relationship.

You weren't sure how to feel. It felt as if you were caught between the past and the present. You tried to get over Hanni and you finally were... But now this happened and you are back at square one.

As the show came to an end, you were just about to leave the building when your phone rang. You checked to see who calling you and it was Hanni.

You picked up the call.

Hanni: "H-Hi Y/N..." you hear her say nervously.

Y/N: "Hey Hanni," you greeted back. "You did a great job today," you said.

Hanni: "Thanks Y/N..." she said, you can hear her shy tone through the phone. "Can you meet me backstage? I want to talk to you about something," she said, surprising you with her request.

Y/N: "Oh? Yeah sure," you agreed, curious about what might be on her mind.

Hanni: "Okay! I'll see you soon," she said her tone growing excited.

You wonder what she wanted to talk to you about. You agreed and began walking backstage.

You made your way through the bustling corridors of the venue, the echo of distant chatter and muffled music guiding you toward Hanni's green room. With each step, a whirlwind of apprehension and curiosity swirled within you.

 With each step, a whirlwind of apprehension and curiosity swirled within you

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Just Say It Back ( Hanni x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now