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"All hail Lurytendra, El Di Hipsodat. Queen of darkness. Healer of all, and the keeper of souls. I beseech you, protect her from herself, and all the darkness I fear she might welcome as her own." I pray, keeping my voice low so I won't wake her. Camille.

Changing my pose as I levitate myself in air, turning upside down. I do the ultimate Dihipian meditation pose. I close the gaps between my legs, my hands move from my side to press together like I'm about to clap but I leave some distance between them. I press my thumbs and index fingers together, spreading the remaining fingers. Joining the tip of the closed fingers: thumb and index finger together before hooking the rest of the remaining six fingers together. I then turn it so they'll face down. I bend my head down and begin my meditation.

I haven't done this in a while. The main purpose of doing it now is to calm my mind and head. I know it will work because It's helped me a lot on Di Hipsodat, but spending all this time on Earth has made me do without it because this planet represents every I detest.

The right to comment on things is the privilege I've never had. My father created me for one purpose and one purpose only, and it's to serve and protect the Elians, the royal family. The job is all I knew before coming to this planet. Before I came to Earth, on Di Hipsodat, I was a part of the elite Queen's guard. The commander of the Elian army, the Queen, trained me herself. All I knew was to fight, serve and protect, and I was good at it.

But I was sent here and I've never been more bored and useless. On Di Hipsodat, when I wasn't on duty, all I did was train. On Earth, there's no one worthy to be my opponent.

Before we left, the queen told us never to interfere in the humans affair even if her son, Ulrik was in trouble. All we were tasked to do was protect and guard Ulrik. As a warrior and someone who wasn't used to a mundane life, I didn't think I could do it but it was an order from El and I obeyed. That slowed me down because the moment I arrived on Earth I saw so many things that needed my interference but I promised my queen and I kept it going until I heard her heartbeat in her mother's womb.

My father named me, El-Dam-El, it means the Royal protector. I wore the meaning proud and never thought about what would happen if I failed to do what I was created for.

Right now all I do is think it because I have failed in doing that in so many ways. It makes me feel empty, and I'm not supposed to feel at all. But the moment George Holmes killed Ulrik sixteen years ago, I knew that I wasn't worthy of my name. I exist to do just one thing, to protect and I couldn't even do that right, and because of that so many lives were ruined. And then I spent those years doing nothing. So if I'm not a protector and warrior, what am I?

I wasn't created to feel anything, but that's also changing, at least I know why that is.

No one knows this but the first time I saw Camille was the day she was born. I was there when the sisters of the dark forced her out of her Mother. That day was the first time I felt something more than sense of protection. I couldn't do anything as they tore her out of her mother's womb because of the order given to us by El.

It was a dark day and I witnessed it all and stood still, crippled by an order I could summon courage to break.

Guilt ate me alive, so I searched the planet for a doorway to Inaral, the place of healing to find solace. I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about the birth I'd witnessed. It was the first time I couldn't get my thoughts under control, and that was when I knew Camille was special and I would be interfering in anything regarding in the future.

The island became my home for fifteen years and I returned, only I was very late. Father already gave Camille to The Starling. He abandoned her, and it made me angry. And for first time in my existence, I confronted my father in anger. He was as surprised as I was at my outburst, but he knew better than to trust her in the human world after what they did to her father and mother. He could kept her safe, I could have protected her. She would have known everything from the beginning and there wouldn't be the need to keep things from her.

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