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This whole place looks familiar like I've been here before, only this time something feels different. I used to be afraid of fire, everyone knows that about me but what they don't know is that I am more terrified of the dark. Being left alone in the darkness is one of my worst fear.

Walking through the fires of hell is a really good excuse to get over my fear of being burned alive, at least now I know why I was afraid of them in the first place.

There's no one here, but with each step I take brings me back to when I used to hide in my closet as kid, hiding from monsters that didn't exist. I grew up and I know monsters exist, I've seen them first hand and I know how they think because in a way I'm one to.

I can hear their agonies through the screams. I never want to know what happened here or what's happening. I'm here for a reason and it's weird to think that I used be afraid of fire and this place doesn't scare me. The birth place of death.

My feet connects with the surface. I can feel the hot surface beneath me but I don't feel any pain, in a way it's soothing and I know that's not normal because I feel everything else except my pain.

I halt as soon as I sight him. Now, I know why this place looks familiar. This is his home and he calls to me every night in my sleep, only I don't remember when I wake. It's sucks to know that I'll soon wake up from my dream and I won't remember him until I sleep again.

Azra. The mighty dragon of my grandmother appears in my front, looking healthy as ever. The beast spreads his mighty wings, shaking his body before leaning down towards me, even this way he is still very much taller than me.

I raise my hand slowly, reaching out to touch him, I know he won't hurt me, he needs me and I need him. I don't know how to explain it but Azra and I have a connection. I am the Raven and Lurytendra is the Dragon,we have no business to be this connected to each other and I can't figure it out because I won't remember if I wake up.

I can't communicate with him because I don't  know how. So I do the only I know he likes, petting him.

My hand connects with his scales right between his nose. My body shudder as I feel the surge of powers pass through me. My eyes widens, so did Azra's. I can feel it, I can feel everything. It's like I'm inside his–

"Camille Raven Stark," I tense when I hear a familiar voice. "Welcome. I have been expecting you."

I remove my hand from Azra's body and he retreats into the darkness. Just like that.

Bracing myself as I turn around, I know what comes next. She doesn't want me here and every night the same thing happens. My eyes meets hers but it don't stay long as I scream as loud as I can.

"Zai fils akuo las di Azra!" Her voice fills the cave as the sleeping bats, awakens and begins to swarm me.

I make a run for it, my heart racing as I place my hands against my ear to tune them away. "Get away from me. Get away!" I shout and the surge of energy that leave me is enough to push the bats away.

Waking up with a sharp gasp, my eyes connects with the familiar ceiling of my room in The Vale.

How did I get here?

Closing my eyes, I try to remember what happened last night. Okay, so the white woman that claims she's my grandfather's sister came and told me about her plans to kill my grandmother and destroy her home together with anyone that stands with her. I returned to the seat and watch Alicia worry about me, I, of course told her that I'm good because I don't want to pull her into any more of my drama. I focused all my attention on the pageant, out of the twenty couple that participated in the pageant, three couples came on top: Penelope and Calder came first, winning for the red house. Jessica and–

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