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My eyes flutters open but doesn't stay open. As my brain begins to comes alive, so does the familiar ache in the side of my head. I hum and try to rub my head but it feels like every other part of me is dead. It's not as if I can't feel anything but I'm feeling too much.

I open my eyes again and make a bold choice to keep it open but I regret it immediately. My eyes connects with a rotten corpse that's upside down. I think my brain is still in the process of waking because I can't smell shit and this body looks like it's been dead for years.

Where am I? How did I get there?

Closing my eyes again, I try to remember the last time I was conscious. What did I do before–?

And just like an acid flashback, the memories comes flooding my head. Caleb. My date with Caleb. Talking to Alicia about what I'd found out and the magic crystals. Caleb finding us.

Oh shit! Alicia!

Opening my eyes, I try to make out where I am because I wasn't fully awake before but now I am. Looking ahead, I see what looks like a cage behind the rotten corpse but why is it upside down? Why am I seeing things upside down?

Turning my head to the side, I wince at the pain that explodes in my neck but that's not the most painful part. I see my hands up but I just woke up, I don't remember raising it up. I bend my head down and see my skin exposed with the lack of my dress, just my underwear. My eyes widens when I see the chains wrap around my ankles that's connected to the floor but how is it possible? I can fly but I'm still wearing the bracelet, I shouldn't be able to use my powers except–

I yank my head back and see the cemented floor first before the two iron buckets placed directly below me, not far apart. The drop of water, dripping into the bucket is what makes me look, moving my eyes to the corner to see that the water is indeed my blood. My wrist has been slitted and I'm suspended in the air with the chains holding me upside down.

Panicking, I move my head around the room frantically, ignoring the pain throbbing in my head. My eyes widens in fear as it connects with more corpse, some fresh than the other. Oh God, please don't let Alicia be part of them, I–

"You're awake, good." The sound of the familiar voice interrupt my thoughts.

"Ca-caleb..." I think the amount of the blood that has flooded my brain is affecting my speech. "What is... What is this?" I manage to ask.

He walks towards me, looking more devilish in an all black suit. "You know what this is," he answers, shoving his hands inside his pocket as hhe shrugs.

I actually don't. He kills people but we never got to the part to find out the reason he actually kills them. People don't just wake up and start killing others, they have reasons and I believe he does too. He stopped killing twelve years ago, so why start over again? Why start with me?

"Caleb, please I–"

He cut me off as he steps closer in front of me, he squats to be on the same eye level as me, and he admits that, "You know, Cami, I really liked you. I really did, even before I met you, before I knew what you look like. You reminded me of my sister and she was the last woman I loved that I had to kill to save another woman that I liked."

That is... I don't understand.

He gets up on his feet and walks back to lean against the wall. "How did you know?" I ask, feeling my nose blocked, which causes a strain in my tone. I sound like people do when they have runny nose.

"I'm a vampire, I have super hearing," he shrugs and pouts his mouth.

I freeze.

A vampire?

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