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Later that evening, I grab my tray with both hands and turn around, I freeze when my eyes searches the room and stops on my table. They're all sitting there, waiting for me or at least I think that's why they haven't started eating. I can't go to that table now because I'm not very good at hiding my feelings and Caleb would definitely sense something's wrong the moment I start using strain tone to address him.

Besides I want to give Jessica some time to think about what we talked about. I can't be friends with someone that can't make up her mind about me, and I'm so sick and tired of spiraling when it comes to her.

Nate's feelings for me has changed, he doesn't see me as the badass girl that lost control during a game anymore, he sees me as a danger to him and everyone around me and I'm smart to know when someone is trying to draw line in our friendship.

Alicia, on the other hand seems to be on my side but for how long because Jessica started the exact same way.

Caleb is an imposter that I don't want to spend another second with without gathering more intel.

Shaking my head, I turn around and head towards the exit. Dinner doesn't finish until another hour, I still have enough time to set up my research station at the library.

I don't miss the look on the students entering the cafeteria faces as I walk past them to the hallway. We aren't supposed to eat anywhere else but fuck the rules. I make my own rules and it's not as if anyone would catch me, most of the staff have turned in for the night, so I'm in the clear.

The hallway that leads to the library is quiet, it's no surprise because student hardly go into the library. I walk into the library without anyone seeing me. Mr. Groff is nowhere to be found, he's probably taking the House supervisor role seriously and with the female's tournament coming up, I'm sure they are all busy making preparation especially since the special guests and outside judges will be arriving tomorrow.

The library is darker than usual, the only light available is the one reflecting from the florescent lights above. I make my way to the roll of monitors that I hardly ever use, mainly because I prefer to go through textbooks and search anything I need on my phone but today I know I won't find anything about Caleb Sinclair on my phone because I've already checked, which leaves me no choice but to use this, besides the computers aren't filtered for anything magic, so it's perfect for this.

I balance my tray on one hand before pulling out the chair in front of the third monitor and sit. I drop my tray on my lap and turn on the monitor, knowing it isn't idle to eat in the library or around the computer but I'll be super careful not to get any food on the keyboard.

While I eat for the computer to boot, I make a mental note on what to search. Caleb Sinclair.

It doesn't take long for the system to load and connect to internet. I drop the spoon and move my hand to the mouse and click on the browser.

I look left and right, searching for a place to put my tray, it's time to get to work and I need enough room. My eyes glue on the chair next mine, shrugging, I reach to pull it backward and move my tray on it before raising my butt up to grab my phone in my back. I unlock it and scroll down the apps until I see what I'm looking, I click on the clock icon and set an alarm for the next forty five minutes.

When I do things like this, I tend to lose time and my punishment starts today, so I need to be early and present especially after I missed yesterday's.

I place my phone on the desk and drop my hands on the seat before lifting myself up a little to be able to push the chair forward, I stop when my chest hit the edge of the desk before leaning back against the chair, leaving enough space between the screen and me.

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