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"You look pissed." I close my eyes and try not to groan at the sound of Roman's voice. "Who's got you all worked up and quiet?" He asks.

I ignore the ghost and just stare ahead. My eyes are staring dagger at Damian. After ordering me to come see him, he hasn't tried to talk to me or made eye contact. It's for best, I mean I'm prone to speaking without thinking and that might get me in trouble. All I've learned so far is the magical properties of the seven sacred herbs, and man are they broad? I don't bother to take notes because Damian is going too fast and I'm a slow learner. I need to digest his words before I can get it.

"It's lover boy then." The ghost finally gets it. But that doesn't mean I want to reply him. "Come on, Cami. Talk to me or I will make you do something you don't want to do."

Calling his bluff because ever since the grinch left me and ghost Roman started showing up permanently, he hasn't been able to do anything to me. Can he? He's just a fucking ghost. He's a spirit, so why waste my thought on an empty space? I didn't forget what I discovered about him but I decided not to pursue it yet because I just came back and I don't need that shit right now. I need to focus on myself and school. Cami 2.0 activated.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He phrases out and at the snap of his fingers the whole class disappears leaving me with Roman sitting behind the teachers desk.

I hold the chair to suppose myself as I look around the empty class in awe. "Wha... What's going on? What did you do?" I ask and even though I'm scared as shit, I don't let him get the satisfaction.

"Now I have your attention." He winks and leans back against the chair before bringing his legs up and prop them on the desk.

"What are you? Are you doing this? You shouldn't be able to do this," I say, not sure what to think. He shouldn't be able to do this.

He raises his head up and taps his finger on his chin like he's thinking about it. Seconds later, he scrunches his nose and shakes his head. "I get that you have questions Cami, but I can't answer them. You need to ask her," he answers.

"Ask who?"

"I could tell you but I decide not to," he shrugs.

I slap my palm against my desk and get on my feet. "This has gone on long enough, tell me who she is or I swear I'm going to–"

"Going to do what, Cami?" He asks, as he uncrosses his legs and takes it off the table. "Kill me? Bitch, I'm already dead and guess how I dead." He's baiting me and I'm taking it without question, which makes him satisfied and makes me angry.

I leave my seat and stalk towards him. Swiping my hand to the side, I use my powers to push the desk from his front. The wood goes crashing against the wall and I go after the spirit. "Don't make me do my worst." I warn even though I don't have anything against the ghost. "Tell me who she is!" I demand.

His smirk only angers me. I bend over and grab the collar his shirt before bringing him and slamming his back against the wall. It's like he weighs nothing and–

Wait... It's like he weighed nothing. I just grabbed his collar.

I shouldn't be able to do that. I haven't been able to do that. What's changed? The real question, what is going on?

"You can feel it, can't you?" His voice breaks into my thoughts, causing me to lose my head for a second.

"Feel what?" I apply more pressure, digging his back against the wall.

"Your mind is slipping. You can feel yourself losing your mind," he tells me.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

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