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"Oh, sketchbook, ohh sketchbook, you are the only love I neeeeeeeed," I sing song, using the 'oh, Christmas tree' song tone as I swirl around my room clutching my sketchbook to myself.

Finally, the game started and the whole school is out on the field, leaving me all alone just the way I love. Although, a part of me is sad that I'm not there watching the game, I know why I'm not, and I have to deal with the consequences.

Sports has never really been my thing but it's the big game. I've never watched a live Lacrosse game before and I would have loved to see that but it is what is.

"What in the hell are you doing?" I yelp, jumping around at the sound of the unexpected familiar thin voice.

I see Penelope standing at the doorway in her cheerleader's outfit. Surprised to see her, I ask, "what are you doing sneaking up on me like that?"

She steps into the room with her hands on her waist, and begins to walk around my room like she's inspecting it. "What are you doing?" I ask as she stops in front of the posters Jessica decorated her side of the room with.

She hums and remove her hand from her waist to fold across her chest. "Harry Styles, Madonna, Lady Gaga and Kim Kardashian. This girl's got taste for fashion icons, too bad Jared Leto, Zendaya and Blake Lively aren't up there," she tells me.

"I have no idea who or what you're talk about. So I ask again, what are you doing here?"

She shrugs before turning to me. "You have a nice room but do you think it's fair to the other students that you're getting special treatment. I mean, look at the size of this room," she says and waves her hands around to prove her point, "you even have your own bathroom."

"Do you really come here to talk about my room or do you have something to say?"

I haven't seen her since our little show in the cafeteria this morning, and I thought after that, we won't be seeing each other anymore.

"The headmaster let me play today. He even let me lead the cheerleaders for the guy's game," she begins.

"Oooookay." I drag. "What has that got to do with me?"

She shrugs. "Did you talk to him?"

I shake my head. "I didn't."

"Well, if you did, then thanks. The House Contest means so much to me and I was pretty bumped when I was disqualified, so telling to the headmaster to let me back in means more to me than you'll ever know." She takes a deep breath before saying, "so thank you."

My lips part with no words. This was unexpected. I didn't ask the headmaster to let her play so she'd thank me, infact I didn't want her to know that I spoke with him. I just wanted her to be happy.

"No problem." I wave it off like it's nothing but I know it's not nothing to her. The House Contest makes no sense to me but if it means a lot to her then I'm happy I talked to the headmaster for her. "Aren't you tired?" She raises her eyebrow, needing me to elaborate. "You played soccer or you were the goalkeeper, and you're about to go cheer for the guys. Aren't you tired from all the stress?"

She shake her head. "No. I love doing this."

I can see that.

"Your dad is the new High Lord," I switch to subject to a more serious one.

She frowns, not expecting me to bring that up. "Stepfather and yes, he is the High Lord not me, so don't change the way you see me," she responds.

I guess I'm not the only one that have asked her that. From what I've heard, the High Lord is King of all, which mean her family is royalty now, she is a princess. People are going to treat her differently now.

"You're already the queen of the school, and your step dad getting the position of High Lord just made it official, but rest assured that I won't treat you differently." And I won't, in fact I don't want to see her after this. It's not a good thought but I don't want to be nice to someone just because I know they have demons. It won't be fair to her that I'm just offering her a civil conversation because I pity her.

"Good." She agrees with a smile, a genuine one. "The both of us could have been great friends if you weren't such a bitch."

I scrunch my nose and smile. "Go both ways."

She nods and says, "thanks, Cami and for it worth I'm sorry that you're here instead of the field."

I shake my head. "I'm not. It's not really my thing."

"Okay then, see you around."

I nod and give her a wave. "Sure."

She leaves after that, closing the door after her.

I sit down on my bed and lay back, spreading my hands out but leaving my sketchbook on my stomach. "That was unexpected."

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