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'Lla fo my lefi I vea nid nid yob kightin herft lar gan ot eth dong eki na leppa ot ah eospurp'

I remember the spell Jessica told me would keep my company, which turned out to be my nightmare. I don't usually keep spells in my head, but It's not every day my life turns upside down from a spell that was supposed to help me.

The first thing I should have done was talk to Jessica but after my talk with Nate I realized how much of a pain I've been in their lives. What he said hurt but I guess it was true in a way. I'm not angry at world but I am angry. I'm angry at the headmaster. I'm angry at Jessica, at Nate, and something I have no control over, which is my situation with the spirit I've been seeing. I never realized how much of a burden I've been to everyone. It never crossed my mind until I heard Nate say it. It was like he used the time I was away to rethink some things and he probably realized that I'm not worth the stress. He was never supposed to be part of my crew but he did it for Jessica. Wherever she goes, he follows and I think he's bored of her worrying about me.

What changed? I guess I will never know.

Jotting down the spell in my notebook as I look around some spell books and grimoire I borrowed from the library. I don't want to confront Jessica yet, I want to be sure that I've been seeing something because the spirit might be right and I might be losing my mind. The stress of what happened last semester is still there, I'm yet to deal with it and I'm not ready. What if that's why I'm like this? I mean, I started seeing the ghost after everything happened.

I've been looking through the book I took and haven't seen anything that might clue me in on what's been going on. I close the last spell book and reach for my phone that's buried under the textbook. Tapping the screen twice, I see the time is almost ten o'clock. Way past curfew, explains why the school is empty and quiet. It's good though, gives me time to work.

I slipped into the library right after closing hour and I've been here since. Haven't eaten dinner and all my research haven't been productive. I can't find anything about the spell or spirits that shows up every now and then.

It's like I've been going around this whole thing all wrong. Maybe I should narrow my search to just ghosts. Are they real? They should be. I mean, magic's real and pretty much everything I thought was a myth is real, so ghosts are real. Can they plague someone? Can someone be controlling them?

I think the real question is what is the power of sage mage? How powerful are they? What are they capable of? Their power must be pretty important because Arihmatheo kidnapped Jessica for her powers. That should mean something, right? It's show–


I feel a movement behind me. It's faint but I feel it. I turn my head around to see what it is but nothing catches my eyes. I shrug and face front. Maybe it's just the breeze and–

The sound of a glass shattering booms throughout the library. "What is–?" The doors begins to slam shut. I look left and right in fright.

I drop my phone on the table and stand up slowly, being really careful not to make any sound. "Is anyone here?" I ask loudly but the only response I get is the sound of my voice echoing back. The place shouldn't echo, something freaky is seriously going on here.

I begin to walk towards the direction the shattering came from. It leads me to the librarian desk, right beside it on the floor is the broken pieces of Abraham Lincoln's statue Mr. Groff kept on display.

Something moves past me in a flash, causing goosebumps to spread all over my body and chill running through me. "Who is here?" I demand because I can't fight what I can't see.

I turn around to–


I jump up and scream.

Laughter erupts out of him like an angry volcano. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. You should have seen your face right now. It was priceless." He laughs, ending with a snort.

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