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"Zai fils akuo las di Azra!"

I wake up with a gasp and shudder at the harsh words spoken in my dreams. Not sure who said it and I can't exactly translate it but the intense pitch from the voice is enough to scare me.

"Hmm..." I groan and exhale softly. My eyes flutter from the brightness of the chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. Closing my eyes, I turn my head to the side and open my eyes. I see an unfamiliar brown leather couch pushed against the wall. I move my eyes to the drawer beside the bed where I see a lamp that I haven't seen before and bandages. I know instantly that this isn't my room.

Where am I?

Without turning my head, I move my hand slowly to push the cover of my body and make a move to get up but I don't get anywhere. "Ouch. Fuck! That's hurt."

What the fuck? Why do I hurt all over? Why does it feel like a minotaur chew and spit me right out?

I shift to roll on my left side before moving my legs out, which gives me an adventure to bring my right hand down to the bed and use all the energy I have to push myself up. An unexplainable pain spread from my lower stomach through my entire body. "Fuck." I mutter, not sure if I've ever felt pain like this before.

God! I need to pee so bad and brush my teeth, it tastes so bitter.

I move forward to drop my feet on the floor. Honestly I expect to feel a cold tiled surface beneath me but it's a fur rug. I look down to confirm the leopard print rug spread under the bed.

Standing up, I keep my calf press again the bedframe to stop myself from falling down onto the bed. I can feel the weakness and exhaustion in me. I scan the room to check if there's an ensuite here somewhere and I see a door that probably leads there.

I begin to take steps one by one, moving a foot after the other because it's the only way I can get there without anything supporting me. Reaching the handle of the door, I turn it and push it, revealing an ensuite. Thank God. I enter and go straight for the basin. I stop as my eyes grow wide.

What. In. The. Hell. Happened. To. Me?

I drop my hands on the edge of the basin and lean closer to get a good look at myself. I look like shit. My face is all messed, and my eyes... My eyes looks bloodshot like I drown myself in a brewery last night and the dark rings make the bag obvious. I raise my head up when I notice the dark purple bruising around my neck. "What the–?"

Okay, I remember going to the library, doing research on spirits and the activities that followed including the appearance of the spirit himself and... and... I got stabbed by an invisible force.

I lean back and pull my shirt up to see the bandage wrapped around my stomach. No wonder I've been feeling pains all over. I move my hand to touch the it but remove it when the simple graze cause sting.

Groaning, I move away from the bathroom and find the water closet. I open the cover and sit down. My feet curl as I begin to pee. My stomach clenches as the weak stream comes out slowly. Fuck, why does this hurt so much? I–

"Camille?!" The door of the bathroom yank open and Damian enters, looking around until his face settle on me.

"What the hell?" I demand in horror and bend to cover myself but pressing the wounded stomach against my thigh cause me pain, making me groan out loud.

"Are you okay?" He asks, concern lace his tone as footsteps approaches.

I raise my head up slightly to see him walking over. "Get out!" I point my finger to the direction of the door. "Get the fuck out!"

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