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The first time I see when I open my eyes are crystal like substances made into two poles in front of the gate. When Dean said he was the royal gatekeeper, I never thought he meant it literally. The portal drops us off in front of a gate made of what look like diamonds wrapped in crystals but beyond the gate is nothing like literally nothing. A gate that's like ten feet tall with infinite clouds surrounding it.

"What's behind the gate?" I ask them, watching as they both stare at the city waiting for us in awe and relief. I guess that's what happens when you haven't been in home for a long time. Dean was here not long ago but Damian hasn't been home in almost thirty seven years.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," he answers. I open my mouth to ask further questions but he continues like he can sense that I'm not done being curious. "The gate is just a door to other realms and planets. It doesn't actually open, it's just for show."

I think I get now. The gate is a gate but also not a gate. That's why he was worried when someone got into Di Hipsodat without him because he's the only one that can open the gate or so he thought, even Damian can't open it.

Not knowing what to say, I sigh and nod. I have a feeling I'll be asking more questions but first we have to get where we're going first.

"Welcome home, El-Sah-El," Dean tells me before taking the first step forward, leading to the city? Can I call it a city? A castle city maybe?

Following behind Dean, I walk closely with Damian because this an uncharted territory for me. The sound of our footsteps clicks loudly on the surface of the ground. I look down and notice what we're stepping on isn't really a ground. It's a bridge-like ground because what I'm looking at is a narrow way that leads straight to the city, the bridge is wide enough to contain an SUV but the rest of the place is covered in the same cloud that's covering what's beyond the gate. I turn to the side and walk closer to the cloud covered place and stop in front it.

"Can I touch it?" I ask them over my shoulder.

"Go ahead and tell us what you feel," Dean answers.

Touch a cloud? Never thought I'd be doing something crazy this soon. Fuck it, I'm going to touch it.

I raise my hand and reach forward with shaky breath and hand. My eyes closes just before my hand can touch the cloud. I gasp when I feel the hard surface beneath my touch. I don't know why I gasped, probably because I didn't know what I was expecting but it was hard surface. I open my eyes and watch the cloud glows beneath my touch and the clear sight of the same substance used to make the gate is there. The cloud is just a cover to hide the beauty underneath it.

"Wow..." I murmur and bring my other hand to touch it. I move both hands around the strange wall and I watch it glow but the moment I remove my hands it reverts back to it's original form but not after I catch something.

I place my hand on it again and move closer to get a clear view of what's actually beneath the diamond crystal like substances. It's the same thing as the surface of the bridge. It looks like thin lines entwined to form a big line running through the walls and ground. There's something inside those lines, like it's transporting something.

Removing my hand, I leave the place and go join the others. Dean is looking at me like he's waiting for me to tell him what I felt and I will because what I just saw makes no sense to me. "It's hard and I know you're hiding something inside those walls and ground. What is it?" I know my tone hold some kind of accusations and I didn't mean for it to come out that what but it is what is.

"We aren't hiding anything inside the walls, everyone in Di Hipsodat knows our minerals comes from those something you saw. Earth has coal, crude oil, mineral resources and we have ours," Dean explains.

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