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"Spoiler alert, did you know that gemini witches are born different?" I ask Alicia who is sitting opposite me with another book about Covens open wide on her lap.

She raises and shakes her head. "No, I didn't. I don't know much about other Covens, just mine Leo."

"All right listen to this," I carry the big textbook with both my hands, who knew Covens had so much contexts? I bring the book to my face as I change my sitting position to criss cross. My back is starting to ache. "Gemini witches are always born in pairs: either females or males. It's always rare to have a female and male Gemini. It happens almost once in seventy years. Same genders Gemini are perceived as the same because they share the same heart and soul. That isn't the case for different genders Gemini. Like most Gemini who wouldn't be able to do magic without the other and always depend on each other. The difference in their genders breaks the bonding and connection barriers that makes them Gemini. Their heart and soul are halves but can never be whole and same. All same gender Gemini are born with the same everything except from appearances and looks, but different gender Gemini are different on all levels. One being genuinely good and other bad."

I stop reading and look at Alicia, who swallows. Now we're somewhere.

"When one of the Gemini dies, the other loses his or her powers and it has been said that they would never be whole again. That isn't the case with different gender Gemini. When one of them dies, the other can absorb his or her powers for himself without any consequences–" I slam the book shut and drop it on the ground. "Without any consequences? What the actual fuck? Does that make any sense to you?" I ask Alicia.

She closes her book and shakes her head. "No, it doesn't. How is it fair that when one of the same gendered gemini died that the one remaining will lose their powers with the dead one? And it's not the same from different gendered. Do you think that's what Caleb did? Absorb his sister's powers?"

I sigh and lean against the wall. "Maybe. Maybe not. He told me he wasn't supposed to do magic without his twin sister but clearly he doesn't know about these or he knew and lied, either way what I read makes totally sense because Claire is obviously the bad gemini and Caleb is the good one?"

"We need to take a break," Alicia suggests and she's right. We've been reading about Gemini witches and covens since Damian returned with huge textbooks from the school library. This is the only thing we haven't heard and it's shocking.

I think it's time to close the chapter on the covens and start researching the wizard himself. Beginning with the search on Caleb would have been great but I wasn't ready yet, I am now. I felt like I needed to know something before reading into him and now I think I do.

I bend to my side to reach for my bag and bring it to my front. "Hope you're hungry? I brought one of everything," I tell Alicia as I unload everything I have in my bag on the floor. "Help yourself."

She smiles and crawls towards me. She closes the opened books I have left in front of me and pushes them aside to give us more space to eat. I toss my bag beside me and grab a bottle of orange juice, I uncap it and throw my head back as I pour the juice down my throat. It isn't cold but it still quench my thirst. I cover it and reach for the chicken sandwich and quickly unwrap it. My mouth salivates before opening my mouth and taking a big bite.

I close my eyes and sigh in relief when the food fills my mouth. It feels like I haven't eaten in months, I'm so hungry.

I open my eyes to see Alicia opening the pizza box and taking a slice.

"Can I ask you something?" After minutes of eating in silence and me devouring my third sandwich, Alicia asks.

I nod, not wanting to talk with my mouth full.

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