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Damian can sense the tension in the room, with the way he keeps looking at me he undoubtedly knows something is up but he doesn't say anything about it. He's probably waiting for me to say something but I won't, I'm still gathering facts.

The three of us eat in silence. Damian got me a sandwich and coffee. Not exactly sure why he got me breakfast for dinner but it'll do. I'm hungry as fuck and I'm not choosing anything. I haven't gotten the chance to eat since yesterday and it's been hell. My stomach has been rumbling and I can't imagine the expression I have on my face when I took out the sandwiches from the bag.

When I finish eating, I pack the leftovers and the paper bag and head towards the bin to trash it.

I got back to sit on the bed and watch Jessica and Damian eat on the floor. He got the same thing for the three of us but it seems I'm the only one that isn't in the mood for that. They both looks busy and very engrossed in the food they're eating, so I'll use the opportunity to do the run down of everything I know.

Almost four months ago I saw a sheet of paper left for me by Jessica, I shouldn't have took it but of course my curiosity led me to it, and I wasn't surprised to see it addressed to me from Jessica. I read the spell and everything went south. Roman showed up and shot me. I think I passed out, not sure I can call what I did passing out because I was kind of experiencing a temporal out of body experience. I woke up to another version of what I'd like to call a grinch and I remember what we talked about, the man said he could feel my sadness. He also asked what Christmas means to me. It didn't make sense to me and even now it still doesn't make any sense to me.

I confronted Jessica about it but she didn't think it was something big. She noticed how bored I was and wanted to cheer me up by messing with my mind. I was mad, of course because my mind isn't a fucking playground but I didn't think about until recently.

The first time ghost Roman showed up, I didn't think about it. I knew he shouldn't be there but I guess a part of me wanted him to. He came back again and again, and we had fun. We talked about things only I would know until I returned from the island and he started branching out and saying stuff that are worth looking into. He always referred to the person that created him a she and I always assumed it was Jessica because, well, she wrote the spell. She's the person to blame.

I thought to myself, why would Jessica created a mirage to keep me company? Two things ran through my mind. First, she wanted to spy on me and second she wanted to control me because she knew what Roman meant, what he really meant. He betrayed me and I was still processing everything before he died. So why create a fake Roman?

Now, she tells me Damian gave her the spell. It would make sense if the spell was from him because I know he's always watching but there are some place he can't see.

I'm making conclusion based on nothing but what I was told. I need to talk to him but I'm sure how I'm going to react if it turns out true. He finally just agreed to go out with me. So... I'm going to table this until I find Roman's remaining.

"Where are we?" I ask.

They both turn their heads to my direction and Damian answers, "a motel."

I sit criss cross and sniff. "I know we are at a motel, I mean the town were in."

"Concord Hills. It's the town you were in before we came to Ray's house, why?"

I shrug. "Nothing just wanted to know," I answer. Jessica nods and turns to her food while Damian's stare lingers. He's watching me somehow, I've never seen this look on him before, it looks strange. "Actually I came here for a reason, I'm searching for Roman's remaining and I believe he might be here."

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