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"Will you please just slow down? God! You were less of a pain in the ass when I was alive." Ignoring ghost Roman's whiny ass as I hasten my steps. "Come. The. Fuck. On. Don't be like that," his tones softens after the unnecessary period stops, something I know the real Roman wouldn't do. I don't know what this spirit is or why it's using Roman's face and up until now I've never been curious about it.

Why is that? I always get curious about everything but not this. Why?

"No one asked you to be here or follow me around like a lost puppy begging to be adopted!" I snap, turning my head briefly to see his face.

It's no using use looking at him, he's just an entity made of nothing, using someone's face.

I turn my head forward but come to a stop with a gasp as I almost collide with the figure that appears in front out of nowhere. "You break my heart, Cami." The spirit places his hand over his chest, rubbing the surface carefully as he pouts at me playfully. Another thing the real was incapable of.

It's not nice to speak ill of dead but everyone knew Roman wasn't the one to pout playfully. The guy was always serious.

I want ask him some questions but not right now.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a sigh, searching it empty face for answers I know aren't there and that annoys me more. "I'm having a really off day and if you don't mind getting out of my way, so I can go report to the headmaster."

Damian was right to bring us back today, as I know time counts differently in Inaral, and it's made me miss the some weeks of resumption. Being on the island meant no way of contacting people in the real world, I didn't even use my phone through my stay because there was signal, I treat it like I was in sabbatical. The only person I wanted to keep in touch with was Jessica but I didn't do astral projection because of what I saw the last time I did it. during my stay there.

I could tell classes have officially started from how active and full the school is. The Gemini witches, Brie and Ari told me classes doesn't start fully until all the students are accounted for. And seeing as the window of his office is opened, I'm assuming The headmaster is back too. I saw it when I was walking to the lake earlier.

"Report what exactly?" Roman mimics me by having his arms across his chest. "Your best friend shagging her boyfriend in your room?"

"In my room. On my fucking bed!" Not sure why I feel the need to correct him or justify myself.

He shrugs. "So what? Deal with it. I can remember a time or two when you let me snuggle you in bed." Like I need a reminder of the time when I was happy that there was someone that I could confide in, too bad he turned out to be the same person that lied to me. "You're overthinking again. Tell me, what's really going on with you? I asked you by the lake but you didn't tell me."

Finding that I can't stop looking at him, not because his presence reminds me of the real Roman. The fact remains that he's dead and never coming back, all I have is this mirage of him. Is it the guilt? Is that why I've been seeing him?

Everyone said it wasn't my fault but he died for me. A shocking reminder of how Jessica's spell still haunts me.

I haven't given it much thought until now. Was it the island magic that made me overlook it or was it me that didn't want to move on from his death?

My curiosity always gets the best of me. So I ask him the question I should have asked since the first time he showed up after the whole Grinch fiasco. "What are you? What are you doing here?"

Jessica said everything I witnessed was made up, my mind created a playground and I decided on the theme, but I don't think it was entirely true because if she did the spell give me a better perspective on things, it should have been over that very day after the green monster disappeared.

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