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The three of us: Damian, Dean and I find our way into the headmaster's office because the solution to bringing Jessica back is not for everyone's ears. The headmaster's words.

Nate's sulking with Jessica's body because Dean didn't invite him to listen in. I was surprised when he didn't throw a fit, he was just heartbroken and upset to do anything else. We settle on the accented couch and wait for the headmaster to start talking. I know Damian doesn't like the idea but he's still here.

"There's a healing water in Di Hipsodat called The Golden Water, it's job is to heal anything, no matter how dead or damage. I believe El will let us use the water to bring her back," Dean explains.

"A healing water?" I repeat, "why have I never heard about it before?"

"It never came up."

"No." One word from Damian.

My head snaps to his direction. "What? Why? You just heard him, this water can bring her back."

Damian nods. "It can but at what cost."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him and when he doesn't answer, I face the headmaster, who shrugs like he doesn't know what his son means.

"You are not going to Di Hipsodat, Camille. Over my dead body." Damian stands his ground with no reason.

I place my hand on the arm of the chair and turn half my body to face him. "Why the fuck not?"

"What's your problem, Damain?"

The headmaster and I speak at the same time.

Twenty minutes later we're still arguing about going to Di Hipsodat. I don't understand why Damian doesn't want me to go and he's not giving any reason. I know him and he isn't the type of person that just says something without a reason but why isn't he saying it. I feel like him and his father are always in on everything together but now it's like I'm missing something.

Damian and his dad are inches away from each other, screaming their invalid points at each other.

I can't take this anymore. I just can't.

I stand up from my sit and shout, "stop!" At the both of them. I get between them and place my hands on their chest and push them apart. "Both of you stop it!" I look between them. "You guys arguing won't solve anything. Jessica is wasting away and we need to get going now." I make my decision.


I cut off Damian. "You, shut up! I asked you why and you didn't give me a valid reason, so yeah we're going." I look away from him to the headmaster. "What do I need?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing. You are her granddaughter, everything you need will be provided for you. Although, you need to be strong because you'll be really meeting your parents properly for the first time in your life, and of course, your grandmother."

Oh shit! Di Hipsodat. I forgot that's where my parents are. He's right, I need to be prepared because out of all the problems I've faced, this is the toughest I'll face. I'm all for fist and violence but emotions and shit isn't for me and that's all I'll be facing there.


I rap my knuckle three times on Alicia's door and take a step back. "Who is it?" Alyssa's voice comes.

Knocking the door again, I wait for one of them to comes open the door because I don't want to announce myself. I hear shuffling behind the door before active footsteps. Seconds later the door opens, revealing Alyssa, still in pajamas.

She frowns when she sees me. "When did you get back?" She asks.

"Why, you miss me?" I tease, raising my eyebrow at her.

She shrugs. "I might," she looks over her shoulder and calls, "Alicia, your best friend is here."


"I really don't know what my sister sees you," she says before going back in, leaving the door slightly ajar. I see Alicia walking towards me.

"I don't know either," I whisper.

"Hey," Alicia says with a small smile. I take a step back to give her enough space to close the door and stand apart.

"You okay? You're looking a little down, what's up?" She doesn't look like her normal cheerful self.

"What's going on, Cami?"

"What do you mean?"

She sighs and says. "You disappeared last night, and when I came to find you this morning you weren't there. Are you okay? And let's not forget how you suddenly got on the stage last night."

I nod. "I'm good."

"You're lying to me, Cami."

"I'm not."

"You are. You don't look fine. You look tired and tortured. What is going on? Is it about Caleb? You still haven't told me what happened to him."

"I will tell you everything, I promise but not now. I'm going somewhere. I don't know when I'll be back."

"Where are you going?"

I shake my head. "I can't say much now but I will tell you about it when I'm back."

She sighs and nods. "Okay."


She opens her arms and I step closer and drop against her in a hug. Yeah I'll miss her.

I say my goodbyes and return to the headmaster's office where Damian is carrying Jessica. They're waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" Dean asks.

I nod.

"Listen, Di Hipsodat is nothing like Earth, so do not compare both planets. And time moves differently there."

"Got it."

He nods and moves away from Damian and I to open a portal. "Di Hipsodat await, El-Sah-El."

"Too soon, Headmaster. Too soon."

I wait for Damian to enter the portal before going before him. My eyes closes and opens to a new place.

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