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My eyes cracks open, connecting with familiar ceiling. I'm in that room in the mansion. Question is, how did I get here?

"You're awake," Damian's voice cut through the space.

I try not to roll my eyes as I pull myself in a sitting position. He's standing, leaning against the wall. It's so far away, which is weird. He's always hovering over me but somehow he isn't doing that today. He's finally listening. I asked him to leave me alone and he did. I should be happy and glad but I'm not.

This reminds me of the dream I had about him.

"I had a dream that I fought you, I was winning, obviously, but you snapped my neck," I relay the dream to him and frown at the distance between us. I wouldn't have had any problems if he wasn't in the room, but he's here now and I don't like the way he's looking at me. "What the fuck is this? Why are you standing there and looking at me like I'm dying or something?"

He looks sad, torn and defeated. If I still cared, I would be mirroring his emotions because of my feelings for him. Damian doesn't talk much about himself and I know he wouldn't tell me what's happening even if we were together, so instead of letting him feel sad alone, I'd be sad and slightly upset at him for not telling me.

That isn't the case this time.

He leans away from the wall and answers. "It wasn't a dream."

I frown. "What?"

He sighs like he's already bored with the conversation. "You didn't dream it. It happened."

My mouth drops open at that information. It takes a moment for me to let the words sink in. "So we actually fought? And I was winning." I still find it hard to believe because the fight didn't look real to me. We actually fought each other, I started it and he ended it.

He nods. "Yes."

"And you... fucking snapped... my... NECK!"

He fucking did it. He snapped my neck. What the fuck?

"I had to." He shrugs like it doesn't mean much to him.

I push the blanket off me, funny, he even cover me with a blanket and get off the bed. "What the fuck? You snapped my neck." I repeat like I can't believe it because it's unbelievable. "How the hell am I still alive?" I mean, he snapped my neck. Normal people would have died but I feel fine. If he hadn't confirmed that our fight was real, I wouldn't have known that my neck was broken.

I bring my hands to my neck and tilt to the side and don't feel any pain. It's like it never happened.

"You healed."

I remove my hands from my neck and notice the metal bracelet on my wrists. I raise my head to glare at him. "No shit. What the actual fuck?"

He raises his hands up in surrender. "Look there's something I have to tell you."

I drop my hands on my hips and give him a reply, "Does that include the reason why there's a fucking weird ass looking bracelet on my hand?"

He nods. "Yes." He takes a deep breath like what he's about to say is one of the biggest challenge of his life. "El and her dragon, Azra, share an unbreakable, unspeakable and unique bond. They are one in the other. They are the same even when they are apart. And they become very powerful when there soul merge together and they become unstoppable when that happens. Azra lives in a cave Di Hipsodat but he can appears anywhere he wants to be because he isn't just an ordinary dragon. He is El Gador, which literally translates The Devil in Dihipian language.

"You dream about him, Camille. You dream about Azra. To you it might seem like just a dream but to him it happened because he has the power to manipulate time and space. When you say the three words that's supposed to keep you in control, you're supposed to be calm because the words are fuel with your emotions and that's exactly why you've been losing control because you're calling for help and El normally let you borrow the Elsword while Azra takes charge of you. That's why you almost killed those students at the game with West High. That's why they killed those men at the diner, it's because someone else is pulling the strings.

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