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Stupid, Wallace family.

How can two men from the same household be getting me all worked up like this? And imagine the headmaster wanting to talk to me about my education, like what the fuck? I'm perfectly capable of–

Pulling out of my thought when I collide into a wall. Pair of hands comes around my waist to steady me, keeping me from falling. "Whoa now." The unfamiliar voice speaks, confirming that I didn't hit a wall.

My eyes moves from The Vale blazer to the visible red tie, meeting his gaze. His brown eyes compliment his caramel skin. "Hey." I clear my throat and remove myself from him.

He takes a step back, making me get a closer look at him. He's obviously a new student because I would remember him if he was here last semester. Also, apart from Ari and Brie, I've noticed only new students wears their complete uniform. Although this guy add a few touch to it like the red stripes addition to the sleeve of his blazer and the zip poking from his cardigan, which mean he adjusted it to his taste and I can tell he's got good taste. His blond dreadlocks is packed in a twin ponytail. The halo diamond stud earrings shines with the reflection of the sun. My eyes falls to his hands and as predicted each fingers house a ring.

Now, this is a statement look.

"My eyes are up here." His voice comes crashing in my ear and that's not even the worse part. It's his words.

For a moment there, I almost forgot what was going on in my life but he just had to open his mouth and ruin the fun. "And?" I frown, my tone isn't friendly and he gets it as his playfully expression fades.

"Bad joke, I'm sorry." He clears his throat and takes another step backwards, keeping the distance between us. He probably sensed that I'm not in an accommodating mood. "Are you okay?"

I bite my tongue and sigh to avoid saying the wrong things. He didn't do anything to me and he doesn't deserve my wrath, so I'll save him and keep moving. I begin to walk but stop when his voice comes again. Groaning lowly, I close my eyes.

"Are you new here?" He asks.

Take a deep breath, Cami. It's just a question. Be a good girl and answer. I think to myself.


"Perfect." I hear him claps his hands before moving to stand in front of me.

I raise my eyebrows in question. "Perfect? How the fuck is that perfect?" I fire back.

Not expecting the reply, his eyes goes wide. The shock expression doesn't stay on his face long as he quickly recovers and continue with his quest to make my life a living hell with his voice. "You see, the headmaster asked to see me, said something about getting some students to give me a tour and I was wondering if you could do it."

"Fuck no," I answer.

"You didn't even think about it," he points out.

"I don't have to. I'm not a tour guide."

"What if I say please?" His white teeth shows as he emphasis on the 'please' which makes me lose the frown I have on my face. I don't smile even if the sight is funny.

"Why are you wearing your uniform on a weekend?" I ask curiously. The building is empty and I don't see any cars parked outside, which I would have concluded that he just arrived but guessing from his looks, he didn't just get here.

He looks down at himself like he forgot what he was wearing. "Oh this?" He pulls his blazer, "I just finished working on it. I was going to show the headmaster to see if it's allowed."

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