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Things have changed. I can't believe I spent almost an hour searching for the best hair products. Yeah, I tend to do asinine things for Camille. And these days It includes not getting any of my priority straight and going back on my words.

Four words.

Stay. Away. From. Her.

I can't even do that. I don't think I can bear not seeing her for long. This isn't who I am. I'm not the type of person that says one thing and do another. I always keep my word but something has changed in me and I don't know what it is. I know I was angry at myself for what I said to Camille. The look on her, I still remember it and it plagues me to this moment. Camille is a strong young woman, an alpha, something I know she got from her grandmother. She always says what she thinks without caring what other people thinks. She never backs down from a fight and doesn't shy away from her responsibilities.

But I saw her face yesterday morning when I told her no. I can't explain what it means for me being who and what I am, but if I were to pretend to be human of a moment, I would say it broke my heart. Seeing her looking so hurt and sad has been giving me heartache and I don't know how to fix it.

Father was away for almost three months and thing's gone wrong during his absence like one of his teachers giving birth. If he was here he would have made arrangements for someone to take over her class but it was too late and he was already lagging behind on so many. So when he voiced out some of his troubles, which included his worry about Camille's failure in her basic spells class, I offered to step up to take over the class. Not because I want to help. It's all for a selfish reason, something I didn't possess but comes easily since I've known Camille. I decided to teach the class because watching her from the shadow isn't enough, I need to be around her.

I understand she's angry and my presence keeps pissing her off, but it's just one of the things she has to endure because I am not walking away.

Opening the portal to her room, I get off inside. The portal remains after getting out because I'm just dropping off her supplies, I'll leave before she knows I'm here. But somehow, I doubt that will be the case. I stand still, tense when my eyes drops on her bed, where she's supposed to be sleeping. I look around for her roommate, Jessica but she isn't here. Camille is alone.

Moving to drop the box of her hair products and the new latest iPhone I bought for her, before giving her my full attention. She's asleep but isn't laying on her bed. Instead she's floating horizontally in the air. I should turn back and enter the portal that leads back to my house but I won't. Something is going on with her and I need to know what. It's bad enough that the great dragon is making himself visible to her. And she's hallucinating in the middle of the day too. Her actions earlier are concerning but father doesn't think anything is the problem.

I was in the middle of showing the class how beneficial that clove leaves is when she slapped her palms on her desk and stood up. Honestly I thought she was walking out of the class but she stalked towards me and destroyed my desk. I took one look at her and knew it wasn't her. Her voice, her eyes. They weren't Camille's and I know who's it was.

I fear she isn't taking things as serious as she should. She has an idea of what's going on but she won't say anything. I know she speaks to herself thinking someone is around but she didn't tell me anything.

And now this. If it was under normal circumstances, I would leave her, thinking it's just her flight powers working while she sleeps but that's not it. Everyone has a aura, even humans. Camille's aura always change because she's many things. So they stick to what power she uses most of the time and change over time. There's always a common pattern and no matter what it changes to, her aura is always bright.

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