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"Hey, Girls! It's been a while, I'm just popping in to say hello..." I say through my teeth. Shutting my mouth, I shake my head. "No. That's too weird, they'd definitely figure out that I want something from them."

Sighing, I place my hand on my hip and the other one on my forehead as I roam aimlessly in front of their room. I've been here for almost thirty minutes and I don't know how to approach them.

Ariana and Brianna are the nicest persons I know, but I can't help but think about how they're feeling now. I doubt that they know about my involvement in their brother's transfer since that's what everyone thinks he did. Roman was always so secretive, even to his sisters, so I'm not sure if they're aware of his connection to the high lord and me. On second thought they might know because how else did they know I was looking for my parents then when they offered to help me find them. And I remember them saying that they're gemini, they know everything.

"Cami?" I stop pacing at the sound of a familiar voice I never thought I'd be hearing so soon.

Caleb is standing at the end of the hallway, looking like he just stepped out of Alyssa's room. What was he doing there? I don't care or anything, I'm just curious.

"Cami, hey." He waves and closes the distance between us. Before getting to me, I close my eyes and groan. Why is he coming over? "Hi," he greets when he gets to my front.

"Hey," I reply, keeping my eyes on the floor so he won't see the sore expression all over my face.

"I've been looking all over for you. I even followed the girl I saw you talking to yesterday morning to ask if she knows where your room is," he informs me, speaking of Alicia as the girl I was talking to.

This makes me raise my head to look at him. "Oh, yeah. What for? Why are you looking for me?"

"I wanted to apologize for ignoring you yesterday, I'm sorry, I freaked out and you–"

I hold my hands up to stop him before talking. "Let me stop you right there Caleb. First of all, you have nothing to apologize for and you didn't ignore me."

He nods and responds. "We're friends, Cami and it wasn't cool of me to keep my distance just because you lost control. We all have demons or at least I know I have them. I shouldn't have left you alone. You are the only person that has been accommodating since I got here and I treated you like shit. I'm sorry for that."

I have so many comment about what he said but I won't say anything because I think I'll be here all day if I do. So I proceed to cut the conversation short the only way I can.

"It's okay, it's nothing."

"Really?" I nod. "You forgive me then?"

Fuck! I wasn't even angry. Yes, I thought about it but I didn't lose any sleep over it.

"Of course. What are friends for?" There's so many things wrong with what I just said but who care? He can't read my mind, he doesn't know what I'm thinking. He'll have to believe what I tell him.

A smiles spread across his face. "Thank you, Cami. I promise never to behave like that again." He vows and takes his leave, waving.

Okay... That was unexpected. Back to the real reason I'm here.

I'm definitely going to screw this up. I think to myself as I stand in front of their door and raise my hand to knock on their door. "Keep your cool, Camille," I clear my throat. "You've got this." I rap my knuckles against their door thrice.

"I thought that was you." I frown at the sound of another familiar voice. The second to the last person I want to see.

"Go away, Nathaniel, I don't want to talk to you right now," I tell him without looking at him.

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