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Y/N WATCHED THE BLONDE, girl slip her phone out of her pocket with no expression displayed over her features, so she couldn't really tell what she was thinking, but she just tried not to stare at her too much because she didn't really want to make her uncomfortable. She wouldn't like it if she watched her, so she didn't do it to her.

Isabel put her phone up to her chest with a frown growing on her lips at the sight of whoever it was that was calling her, and then Y/N saw her look back towards her face.

"Don't go anywhere, okay? Don't say anything either... I don't want him to hear you..." There was a pause inbetween the two woman as Isabel saw Y/N nodding her head, not knowing exactly who it was that was calling her before she heard the girl say, "It's.. Phoenix calling..."

Y/N pursed her lips and nodded a little more frantically than before, making sure that she followed the blonde females every instruction so that the dark haired male didn't know that she was nearby her.

Silently noticing the woman's fear of the man, but not speaking up about it, Isabel finally pushed her thumb out and pressed it against the green phone icon before she cleared her throat, "Yeah Phoenix?"

"What the hell are you doing at school?" Once the sound of his deep and aggressive voice hit Y/N ears, she flinched at it and backed up a little, hating the way it sounded like he was speaking to her as well.

Looking all around to see what the blue eyed teen could lie about, she bit on her bottom lip before she widened her mouth a little, "I'm.. just-"

"And don't you fucking lie to me because I put your location on." He spat with his eyes getting more tired and annoyed looking as he made sure to tell her about the sneaky thing he'd done.

Isabel felt so disgusted with his actions, but since there wasn't much she could do about, or well it felt like there wasn't much she could do about it, she just slumped forward a little and shamefully stared down at the floor. "I needed help with something because... I'm failing a class..."

"You fucking dumbass. Get out of here, now. I'm waiting for you outside, now hurry the fuck up, pig." He scoffed out into his phone, unaware of the other teen that wasn't far from his girlfriends device.

"I.. yeah, I'll be out there, Phoenix... You don't-" Isabel was cut off by the sound of the other end of the phone clicking off, and her heart sunk even deeper down into her body as she wondered how she let him get away with treating her like shit.

Pushing her arm down to her side with eyes that were growing watery, she stared straight ahead at the females E/C eyes and allowed her lips to tremble. "Well, you heard the man... I should get going now.. uhh.. it was great talking to you-"

The woman felt so bad because she knew she couldn't do anything about the hurt Isabel was feeling, so she walked up to her to stop her from turning the other way, "I- I could walk you out there... I-If you want..?"

"Oh, no no, Y/N...! Don't do that.. he'll see you, and then he'll know that I went to see you.. a-and he doesn't think I know anything about you.." she cleared her throat and turned her head to the side a little, ignoring the feeling of the other girls eyes moving all over her features.

Taking some steps back with drowsy eyes and a throbbing heart, Y/N hummed and let her eyes drift off to the side as well, "That's.. true..."

Isabel stood there awkwardly before she clenched her jaw and made deep eye contact with the teen in front of her. "And.. Please, Y/N... Could you wait a few more minutes until you leave? I don't want to risk it at all. I don't.. want him to hurt me if... he finds out that I've been speaking with you.."

"I understand, Isabel.. I was going to do that anyway..." She gave the other female a weary smile to try and make light of their scary situation, and it seemed to make her feel better because she mirrored her actions and gave her a smile of her own.

"You're an angel sent from above, Y/N...!" The blonde woman bowed her head with a slight sigh and a giggle, and before Y/N could respond to her, she was already speed walking off with a genuine grin on her mouth.

Y/N didn't know what it was, but she felt so warm and safe with the other woman, and she was one hundred percent sure that her intuition was always right so she already knew that she could trust the girl as if she knew her since birth.

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