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THE REDHEAD HID BEHIND A, large tree while he held his breath in and shut his eyes, actually praying to God that he didn't die because of his crazy friend. He knew the other boy was so unpredictable when it came to risky stunts, so he didn't know exactly why he agreed to do something so stupid like this. He just guessed it was because he was genuinely afraid of him, since he really was.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are...!" The other teen teased, trying to listen in on anything around him while he pointed the gun up with both hands on it as if he was actually a cop.

August still didn't fall for his little games. He just sunk down against the trees that stood behind him while heavy breaths that only he could hear came from his nose. He didn't think he'd be this afraid when Phoenix gave him time to hide, but here he was, practically shaking in his shoes.

The sound of leaves crackling underneath Phoenixes shoes were heard by the ginger, and just as he thought he was over with, the sound of walking stopped and there was only silence coming between the two boys.

"Oh my god..! August, come out here and look at this!!" The redheads mouth parted at the sound of shock coming from his friends mouth, and he placed each of his hands to the side of his slumped body before he pushed himself up with his little bit of strength.

Once he took a large step away from the tree, that's when he got jumpscared by his long haired friend that pushed the gun up to his forehead as he let a screech pass his lips before he heard sound of the teen cutting him off, "BOOM!!"

August jumped back at his friend with wide brown eyes by the unnecessary sound effect that he'd just made while his heart rushed hard in his chest. He hated the smug look on Phoenixes face as he backed away from him with genuine fear in his heart and shaky legs.

"You see!? If I was somebody else right now you would've been dead with blood seeping out of your head!!" He pushed his arms down, showing his friend that he wasn't actually going to hurt him as he began to laugh hysterically.

His shorter friend couldn't believe that he was laughing while he was scared out of his mind. He actually thought he was going to kill him for a second there, and even though he didn't, that didn't change the fact that he was being a dick to him, "W-What.. the hell...!"

Laughing coming to halt while all signs of happiness faded from Phoenixes features, a confused expression then began to form on his face while he tilted his head to the side at his friend, "What?"

"You could've killed me!!" August responded with his voice getting louder with each word he let out, his heart rate slowing down a little.

Shrugging at his best friend in front of him, he gripped his hand tighter on the gun that laid beside his right leg, his eyes rolling since he thought his friends anger was just him being overdramatic, "Yeah, but I didn't so... be glad."

"This isn't a joke Phoenix!" The ginger then raised his foot for a split second before he slammed it down onto the leaves underneath him, noticing that he wasn't intimidating Phoenix at all.

Phoenix dropped the confused look before he raised his arms out to the ginger that only grimaced at him in anger and annoyance but his obvious teasing, "Awwww, what? You want a little hug...?"

There was a hint of babying clear in his voice, and August hated that even more, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. Phoenix was taller than him, stronger than him, and he knew it'd be easier for him to get out of any trouble, so he didn't want to get on his bad side.

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