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WALKING THROUGH THE, hallways with her head shockingly held high, Y/N kept her books up to her chest and a small smile on her lips. She didn't know why, but she was feeling much more better about Phoenix even though he was kind of creepy. She took it though because he used to be way worse to her, and out of the blue he was now treating her like some kind of princess. It was all so shocking to her, but if it meant she was getting out a bunch of unnecessary beating from him, she was fine with this.

She was much more confident than usual, and although some people were still hesitant to befriend her, she thought she was fine on her own anyway. It wasn't like they were around whenever she was going through her toughest, so she didn't see why she could ever think she needed them now. Her mindset was so different now and even she noticed that, she just didn't care at this point. It wasn't anything depressing, but it definitely wasn't how most people lived their lives.

As she was walking with the same smile over her mouth, she then paused at the sight of a familiar brunette that kept his eyes on hers, an almost stern expression on his face as he made his way towards her. She just watched him com her way while looking him up and down, not being able to help the feeling that she was being ambushed at the moment, "Hey, Gabriel...? Are you sure you should be here right now??"

"I'm sure I should be here right now. Are you sure you should be here right now..?" He asked her with his head tilting to the side. He himself noticed the confidence in her walk this day, and he wanted to know what was up with that. It wasn't like she couldn't be happy for one day and she actually got a little irritated by that.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Y/N huffed out to other teen that crossed his arms, showing worry over his facial features while he himself breathed out, not exactly sure of what to say since he didn't want to tick her off. He just wanted to see her, and he didn't know why. He didn't want her to be comfortable with her situation. He wanted her to get help.

After a few minutes of standing there, pondering to himself, the man pursed his lips and let his arms swing back down to his sides, knowing that half of the worry was also from the jealousy he got from Phoenix because he also knew he still had a thing for the E/C eyed girl infront of him, "Listen... I know I should be the last person telling you this because I already know the guy hates my guts, but you seriously need to save yourself while you still can, and if you need anyone to speak with-"

"I'm doing perfectly fine, and he doesn't do anything bad to me anymore, Gabriel. You should really worry about yourself. You know how Phoenix gets..." the female murmured the last part to the brunette that visibly tended up at the mention of the man even though that's exactly what he just did himself.

Taking some steps back from the taller teen that could barley speak a word, that's when Y/N gave him a look of pity before she turned on her heel, only to be stopped by the feeling of a hand being wrapped around her wrist. She glanced over her shoulder and knitted her eyebrows, immediately feeling trapped, especially with her and her bullied little past, "Hey, could you... l-let go of me??"

Gabriel just couldn't bring himself to for some reason. He wanted to tell her about his love for her, and the random connection he thought he had with her, "Listen, Y/N. I.. need to talk to you somewhere, but not here. I don't want to risk him seeing us, but I also know he doesn't like it when you guys are apart from eachother unless you're in class-"

"L-Let go, Gabriel." She demanded, only for him to shake his head from side to side before he once again sighed out and opened his mouth to speak, ignoring the look of pleading that came over her face.

"As I was saying. I need you to skip next because I need to tell you something," he gripped her wrist even tighter, causing her to shake a little, "It's something important. It's... it's about us, actually. Me, you, and.. I don't know, hah. Maybe even some things about August. I don't know. I just thought I should tell you this before you become any more infatuated with Phoenix, so are you in?"

When Gabriel didn't hear anything come from the H/C haired female that gritted her teeth as she tried pulling her wrist away from his fingers, that's when he widened his eyes and took a large step back while unwrapping his hand from around her wrist, a guilty expression on his face while he did this, "Oh, shit. My bad, Y/N... But, anyway. What do you say about-"

"I'm not skipping shit for you." She brought her wrist up to her chest while her books got held down beneath her elbows and arms, and she didn't bother making any more eye contact with the man she thought to be a creep anymore.

Pursing his lips while he cursed to himself in his head, Gabriel then slumped over and thought of what else to say to Y/N, "Uh... Ummm... B-Behind Mr. Furgersons classroom... You know, where all of the cool kids hangout or whatever-"

"I just told you. I'm not skipping shit for you." She stared at the man for a split second before she turned back around with a disgusted look on her face while her heart slowed down a little, "And for your information, I am not infatuated with Phoenix, and I never will be."

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