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WHILE Y/N WAS ON HER WAY, out of her final class, her eyes down to her feet as she just went on her way, until she felt her head make hard contact with someone that seemed to step right to where it was that she was walking. All she did was back away and mutter a small apology to whoever it was she'd just bumped into, unaware of the fact that the person that she just ran into was actually trying to gain her attention.

Before the teen could walk past the person, she felt a hand being placed against her upper arm, and that caused her neck to shoot up to whoever it was that randomly decided to touch her.

Her eyebrows raised a little once she saw that it was the brunette man from earlier that day standing over her with an innocent smile an a sweet glint in his brown eyes, "Hello, Y/N."

The woman actually couldn't believe that the boy that went by the name Gabriel remembered her name and her face, so she felt a little flattered, and she didn't know why, "Oh... Hi.."

"Where are you off to?" The man slipped his large hand away from her arm to put it back down at his side as he grinned from ear to ear.

Y/N tried her best not be all awkward with the dark haired man, but since nobody really bothered to even try to get to know her, she wasn't used to the attention at all, "Uhmmm, I'm heading home, so.."

"Oh...! Sorry for being nosy.. I just.." he looked off to the side for a quick minute before he pursed his lips and set his deep brown eyes back onto her E/C ones, "I guess I'm just.. sort of interested in you."

Y/Ns eyes popped out of her head once those words came from the male in front of her, and she stood dead still, not knowing what else there was to add on.

Gabriel smirked at her silence and expression over her face, knowing that he already had an affect on her even though they knew nothing about eachother, "Are you alright??"

"Huh? Yeah, uhhh.. I'm fine! You just shocked me, that's.. all..." She chuckled awkwardly, hating the stare he had on her since it felt like he was analyzing her every move even though that wasn't the case at all.

Laughing along with the awkward teen that wanted nothing more than to leave at this very moment, he took another step closer to her, watching as she stared up at him, "I'm just kind of a bold guy. I swear you'll get used to it."

"Oh... That's great for you, then.." the boldness that came from the brunette really admired Y/N, and she could've sworn that there was also a part of her that liked him in that kind of way, but she couldn't really tell since she'd never had that kind of relationship with anyone.

Phoenix had ruined her ability to actually connect with other people to the point that it actually felt like he was hogging her away, but she still didn't confront him about that.

The brunette couldn't exactly tell if Y/N was uncomfortable since she was so bad at expressing her true feelings, Gabriel just brushed it off and took a large step back just in case she actually didn't like the way he was acting, "So, uhh.. I wanted to ask you a quick question!!"

"What did you wanna ask?" Y/N wrapped her arms around her torso as she tilted her head to the side, not knowing how much of the man she would have to take.

He raised an eyebrow at the female in front of him before he finally spoke up, "Uhmmm.. Are you and that Phoenix guy dating??"

Y/N glared at the man in disgust and let her arms drop down once again, not even wanting to think about the other dark haired man in that kind of way, "Are you joking?"

"What? No... Why would I joke about something like this? It's a genuine question, because.. even though I've only just started going to school here, I heard a bunch of rumors surrounding you two."

Piping up at the man and his words, Y/N parted her lips while her eyes went a little wider. She was curious as to what the people were saying about her because she really kept to herself, "What rumors??"

"Well... Some people say you and Phoenix are madly in love with eachother, and some others say that you're Phoenixes chosen one?? Whatever that means... There are also people that say you rejected Phoenix one day, and that got him really upset so he started following you around and beating you? Yeah, nah. I don't even believe that last part."

"Wow... These people are creative..." She breathed out at the man that sent her a look of confusion.

"So which one is it?"

"None. One day he just started messing with me... I don't like him, he doesn't like me... And if you ever hear people talking about how he says some... vulgar stuff about or to me, just ignore them. He's just some rape fantasy guy that's.. kind of sadistic. He doesn't actually like me, and most of the time whenever he says sexual things, it's because he wants to scare me, and.. it does scare me so... I guess it works.."

Gabriel actually couldn't believe what he was hearing at the time. He didn't actually think the female in front of him was being bullied, but it seemed that he thought wrong.

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