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Y/N FELT PHOENIX SNAKE, his hand around her waist while he planted a gentle kiss against her cheek before he pulled his face back to meet eyes with her, the stoic look still remaining on his face even though he felt like he wanted to melt right then and there. He never liked to show that many emotion around her for some reason, but he knew that that was one of the main things about an important relationship, so he didn't know exactly why he didn't like doing that. He didn't do it with anyone though, so he tried not to think much of it because it was a very normal thing with him.

"So... How are you liking your food?" He asked the girl with a smirk on his lips with his mind still on the brunette and the redhead that she was with before. He wanted to know why she was with the both of them, and why they felt too comfortable speaking with her, especially Gabriel, and even though he was supposed to be focusing on her and her only, those questions still crossed his mind, accidentally angering himself even more.

She nodded her head up and down to the question that was asked her way, an awkward smile placing over her mouth while she thought of any sort of response to the man since she knew how upset he got whenever she didn't have anything to say to him, "I like it, it's good..."

Phoenix analyzed her facial features before he knitted his eyebrows with a look of skepticism forming over his handsome face. Y/N seemed so guilty for some reason, and he wanted to find out why without making it seem like he knew something was off with her. He knew that would only make her lie even more to him, "Good. But is that all you're eating?"

Y/N tilted her face to the side and allowed her smile to drop before she turned her eyes down to the single burger that was placed against her plate. She didn't think it was that bad because she knew that this might've been enough to fill her until dinner, so she wondered why he thought that wasn't enough, "Umm, yeah.. why?"

"You can get anything you want. I don't care." He shrugged it off like nothing, biting the inside of her cheek while she just turned her head to stare up at him, resulting in him to send her seductive eyes that looked her up and down. Once she noticed the look he was sending to her, that's when she turned back to her food, her face getting hot.

She only let a sigh pass her mouth as she slumped over in her seat, the heat continuing to rise up against her cheeks before she thought of what might happen between the both of them later on, "This is all I want, thank you Phoenix..."

The man stared at Y/N, the lustful look in his blue eyes disappearing as he himself slumped over, his arms crossing over one another while a him came from his throat, quickly gaining the attention of the teen that sat beside him with a lot on her mind. He was so clearly getting impatient with the whole wait for it tactic he was planning on using, so he just thought he'd mention it to get rid of the cloud inside of his mind, "Mhmmm... So what were you and August really talking about..??"

"What? He already told you... We were only talking about giving me a ride home." She didn't know exactly why the ginger lied to the ravenette, but she thought it was probably for a good reason so she just added onto the lying train, not even looking his way, but feeling her body freeze up a little, her own lustful thoughts vanishing all because of his question.

Phoenix clenched his jaw as he stared the H/C haired woman up and down, finally realizing that she herself was also lying to him too. He couldn't believe that both her and his friend felt so comfortable doing that with him, "Don't lie to me. You already know I bring you home everyday. Now if you'd like to tell me the truth, that'd be great."

Y/N parted her lips at the man while she whipped her face back towards him, a little frown forming on her mouth before she looked back down at the table, still feeling Phoenixes eyes practically burning holes into her, "Ummm... Uhh, so you see.. A-August he... lost his mother recently... I made sure he was alright because I saw him breaking down before, then I ran into him.. and I checked him to see if he was okay... Is that so wrong?"

"Oh, come on. Who actually gives a fuck about his mother? Because I don't. She was a piece of shit, and I'm actually glad she's dead. I don't even know why he had a breakdown. She would let him leave the house with bruises, and she would even try to get him hooked onto the shit she was on. You don't need to feel bad for him." The girl didn't like the fact that the blue eyed man didn't feel a single ounce of empathy for the redhead because it said a lot of the type of person he truly was. He never bothered to hide this side of him, which was also what made him so much more intimidating.

She was slightly stumbling over her words, not knowing what to say until she scoffed out, making sure to put her next words out to the male carefully, "Phoenix, why wouldn't I feel bad for him? Sure she might've been, like... A dick but that still doesn't mean anything. He can still miss her because after all, she's his mom, and if he cares about her death, then so do I.."

There was a bunch of emotions that washed over Phoenixes face once he heard those last few words as he wondered why she even cared about his friend at all. He only wanted her to care for him and nobody else, so this really upset him. He felt even more betrayed by the other man he called his good friend, "Then so do you...? What? You're all goody goody with August now, huh?"

Heart dropping through her body as she could've sworn she felt her blood grow cold inside of her, that's when her E/C eyes widened and her breaths got longer, "It's not that, I was just-"

"Y/N, you don't fucking get it, okay? You weren't here for when his mom would have her episodes. She would only ever lash out on him, and never his dad. She would leave him starving until he got the guts to come over to my house just to raid the food we had at my place, she wouldn't bother to try and look for him whenever he'd leave out without her permission, and she never even bothered to care for him."

She listened to his entire speech, not even thinking that much of what his reaction would be like to the next few words she had to say to him. She was only worried about the ginger, "I... I don't.. know what.. you want me to say.... This is about August... He deserves a little sympathy, don't you think so...?"

"No because this was bound to fucking happen. He needs to get over it." Phoenix unwrapped his hand from around the girls waist with a slight grunt erupting from his throat.

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