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A FEW DAYS PASSED BY AFTER, Y/N and Gabriel had that small interaction, but for some reason the brunette just couldn't get her off of his mind. He was so interested in her and he had absolutely no idea why. It was like there was something sparking up between the both of them once he spoke to her. Or well, that's how he felt, but he didn't care if she didn't feel the same way. He just wanted to be there for her like a shoulder she could lean on.

He was thinking to himself in class, wondering how he could become close friends with her since it didn't take a genius to know that there was something very off with her and Phoenix.

The man stared straight down at the paper in front of him with a low hum coming from his throat, and just as he was finally about to at least attempt to save the girl, the sound of the bell ringing hit against his ears, causing him to whip his head up with a slight gasp coming from his lips.

There was a few giggles that could be heard behind him, but he didn't pay the noise any mind since he knew that it was just people making fun of him or either gushing over him because he was the new kid.

He stood up to his feet as he scooped up his bag and pushed one of the straps over his shoulder, the last sound heard from him being a heavy sigh before he finally made his way to the door.

Just as the brunette was about to walk into the halls, he saw a familiar looking ginger step foot infront of him with a cautious expression on his face, "Wait!!"

"Huh...?? Who the..." Gabriel pursed his lips once a flash of the redhead in another setting came up in his mind, "Oh... You're the guy I saw."

Nodding his head up and down why some of his red hair brushed against his face, a large smile formed on his lips before he tried to speak out to the male in front of him, "Yeah... I just wanted to-"

"Your name is August right?? Auggie for short?" Gabriel winked at the shorter man that stared at him with a serious look, knowing that literally nobody in the school called him Auggie except for Isabel.

"No. We aren't doing that."


"Anyway, as I was saying.. You need to keep away from Y/N...!" Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed once those words came from the man that was only trying to help him out.

Scoffing out at the ginger that bit on the inside of his cheek while he just prayed that the brown haired boy would just do as he says, that's when Gabriel tilted his head to the side with strained eyes, "Why? You got a thing for her too?"

"No, I-" August stopped what he was saying mid sentence when he'd processed what the taller man has just said, "What??!"

Gabriel's face softened down at the genuine worry that flashed across the boys face, and that caused him to frown a little before he tilted his head back up so he was looking straight ahead at the man, "What...?"

The ginger was already beginning to hyperventilate to the dark haired male that pursed his lips in confusion, a little bit of fear growing through his body due to how dramatic he was being, "Y-You like Y/N??"

"No... Yes... Uhmmm.. d-depends... Are you going to tell her if I do...?" Gabriel leaned closer to the ginger with each word he let out while his voice began to get a little bit lower.

"No...! Of course not because then Phoenix would find out!! He knows literally everything about her, it's fucking nuts!"

"He knows everything about her?" Gabriel chuckled out at August before he saw the way the worry on his face didn't disappear, only causing the smile to immediately wipe from his face.

"I'm not joking! You need to go find another girl to crush on...!!"

Gabriel just couldn't believe that August thought it was that easy to let go of this interesting girl that's already implanted in his mind, "I can't just-"

"Here, look... I have a couple of very pretty friends who are single!! M-Maybe they'll wanna talk to you! You're handsome, uhhh..! Like for one you're extremely tall!! Hmmm, uhh.. your.. hair is styled nicely...? A-And your personality is great!!"

Squinting his brown eyes at the man that tried to come up with a proposal, Gabriel then let another scoff pass his lips, "You barley even know me..."

"I am trying to save your ass right now...!! It doesn't matter if Y/N doesn't like you back, Phoenix will slice your dick off if he finds out that you like her!"

The dark haired teen grimaced at the thought of his private parts getting chopped off all over some girl, "Slice my dick off? What hell is your problem, man??"

"He said that to me once!! I called her pretty, and... He threatened to slice my dick off in full detail!" August made his voice get lower just in case anybody passing by heard him since it caused him to feel really embarrassed because he genuinely was afraid of the other man.

Shivering at the thought of the already condescending man threatening the redhead over the exact woman he grew a liking to, his own stomach churched, "Wait... Really..?"

"Yes!! Please... You have to just.. leave her alone... She's being tortured enough so if he found out you liked her... He would probably kill her and then you!"

Gabriel couldn't even think of the words to say. He was just mute as he let the words go through one ear to another.

"And you really don't want to know about his dark fantasies..."

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