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PHOENIX STARED AT THE, exhausted woman that had heavy breaths coming from her throat as she did nothing but lay beside the dark haired teen that smirked in pride at what he'd just done. He loved seeing her in all states, but he thought nothing could ever beat the exhausted Y/N he loved. He loved it when she'd be all hopeless and weak, that was the biggest turn on he had towards her, even though it might've been a little weird to other people. He also only liked seeing her that way which made the whole thing even more confusing for him.

"Are you tired?" He watched her throw her head back before she nodded a slow yes to the male that smiled even harder, his own cheeks heating up at the adorable expression over her features while he only sat there with nothing but his dark blanket over the lower half of his body, "Awww, come here..."

Y/N was still having bad feelings in the back of her mind because of the way he acted like they were dating, but then again she couldn't lie to herself and say she didn't enjoy the special treatment he gave her, plus, he seemed to be acting way better towards her even though she was still a little scared of him.

The female sat up on the males bed with one of his shirts over her body to hide her chest even though he'd already seen it the time before. She just still felt so awkward doing these types of things with him, and she was atleast happy that he didn't push her to show herself all that much, "Shit, ow..."

"Did I go too hard?" Phoenix was having fun as he kept his blue eyes still on her body that crawled over to him, his eyebrow raising at the sight of her legs even shaking a bit. He absolutely loved what he was seeing, and he already knew he'd want more of that.

Y/N could only whip her head up at the man with a low grunt before she paused at the sudden movements he began doing. He pushed open his arms for her with a warm grin against his lips so that he would seem welcoming, and her eyes just widened. Sure he smiled, but they weren't this big and all this genuine, so it kind of creeped her out, "Uhhmm.."

"Come here. Let me hold you." Was all he said before he saw her push herself even closer to him, his arms quickly engulfing her body before she was on his lap, his chin being pressed down onto the top of her head as he let out a sigh.

After a few seconds of him just holding her body just like that, she felt his right arm removing itself from around her body, causing her eyebrows to raise against her forehead before she saw that his large hand was actually reaching towards the blanket he had on top of himself.

He pulled the blanket back for a quick minute before he adjusted the H/C haired teen in his lap, pushing the blanket back over the both of them so they could share each others warmth, "Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah..." as much as she didn't want to actually admit it, she was infact comfortable, like she was in the perfect position or something.

Chuckling at the genuine tone in the females voice, that's when he pushed his chin onto her shoulder with red tinted cheeks, resulting in her glancing back in confusion. Of course he was kind of lovey dovey with her, but wasn't this attached to her, so she knew he was up to something, "Y/N. I have a question for you.."

Y/N then piped up at Phoenix, her body slightly turning to the side so she could actually look straight ahead at the man that gently pulled his head away from her shoulder, "Huh? What is it..?"

There was a heavy breath that left the male before he unwrapped his arms from around her body, causing her to grow a little cold because she still had no clue about what she was getting herself into even though she should've been used to him and his little shockers at this point, "I wanted to ask you again... Would you ever love me??"

Mouth parting at the man, that's when the young woman narrowed her E/C eyes as she thought back to the time he'd already asked her the question. She definitely thought the worst once she recalled the question from before, and she automatically assumed that his question just had to be some kind of trick question to catch her off guard. She just stared at him, waiting for him to laugh at her like he always did, but no. He looked her dead in her eyes with genuine curiosity in his eyes.

There was almost a slight scoff of disbelief in her small chuckle she sent Phoenixes way, but he didn't think much of it in that moment because all he wanted was an answer from the shorter teen that only blurted out what she thought she was supposed to say, "I... Thought I already told you what-"

"Come on... We both know you only told me what I wanted to hear.. now I want you to tell me the truth this time..." out of nowhere, the girl felt his large hand wrapping around her jaw, making her look even closer into his eyes as he smiled softly, hoping that she'd give him a truthful answer this time.

"Well, I... I.. maybe if you just.. k-keep being so nice to me, then... I don't see why I wouldn't.. Uhmm.. l-love you!" She shrugged to the boy with an almost cheerful tone in her usually dry raspy voice, trying to show that she meant what she'd just said even though she herself wasn't sure of any of that at all.

Phoenix inspected her to see if there was any hint of untruthfulness, and it wasn't all that hard to find, making his jaw clench before he took yet another deep breath, cursing to himself in his head until he spoke out to the lying woman again, "Hmmm... Are you just saying that??"

Shaking her head from side to side as she bit down hard on her bottom lip, Y/N pulled her face from him, only for his grip on her to get tighter, causing her heart rate to increase, "No.... I really think that-"

"Are you lying to me Y/N..?" He knew that she was lying, he just wanted her to tell him that she was herself.

Her eyes darted towards everywhere but him, and he knew that was something she did when she was nervous, and he also knew that if she wasn't lying then she'd have no reason to be nervous. It wasn't like they didn't just finish having sex with eachother a few minutes ago, so that said alot, "Umm... n-no, I-"

"Fuck, you're lying to me." He took his hand away from her face with a dry look on his face, resulting in the girls stomach turning. All of a sudden the bad feeling in her stomach had gotten way worse.

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