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THE BULLY NEVER THOUGHT, he'd see the day where Y/N would actually think it was okay to stand up for herself, and he was annoyed by the fact that she actually rejected him and his words. He didn't even feel embarrassed by what he'd just told the girl, he felt enraged by her not being able to put up with his shit anymore, and that was enough to tell what kind of person he was. He was a conceited person that only cared about himself and his needs and everybody around him, including his own parents, took note of that.

The man only stared down at Y/N while he shoved both of his hands into each of his pockets, the look in his eyes becoming darker as he just kept his eyes on his victim that wanted nothing to do with him. She couldn't believe he had the balls to be all flirty with her when he caused so much problems within her. He was wicked and she couldn't even understand how others could look him in his cold sinister like eyes.

"What?" He questioned the female that only bit on her bottom lip as she furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that she wouldn't be able to take back what she'd already just told him.

"I.. I said how can you say this after everything you did to me, Phoenix...!! Do you not see how... how psychotic you are! I'm sorry to tell you, but you're a freak, okay! There.. I- I said it...! There's seriously something wrong with you a-and you need help!! You.. you don't need to take your frustrations out on me, I-"

"My frustrations??" There was a loud cackle that came past Phoenixes lips, and that only resulted in Y/N to grow even more nervous since that wasn't the reaction she thought she'd get from the dark haired man that stood over her, "When will you see that I have no frustrations...!"

Y/N didn't believe a single word that came from Phoenix since she just knew that there had to be some kind of reason why he hurt her for nothing "If that's true then.. why do you do this to me..?"

Taking even closer steps to the woman that winced at the sight of him leaning his face back down to hers with his eyes darting all over to her facial features, that's when a sinister smile came upon his lips, "It's like you said, Y/N. I'm psychotic. I'm a psychopath. I don't need a fucking motive..."

The female actually couldn't believe the stuff that she was hearing at the moment. She didn't think someone could be so crazy, and she hated the fact that she actually believed Phoenix when he told her that he was an actually psychopath, because she knew that there was a possibility that he was only saying those things just to play at her words.

Her heart sunk in her chest, and she knew that there was nothing she could do now. She wad already one hundred percent sure that she was about to get beaten until she was bloody, but she still wanted to stand her ground. She'd gotten hurt until blood came from her before, so she didn't think bleeding this time would be so shocking.

"You're sick... Y-You're disgusting... Nobody will ever love you, you fucking freak.. You get absolutely no love, so you have to choose someone to push all of those sad lonely depressing feelings on just to ruin them."

Phoenixes smile only grew over his lips while he tilted his head to the side, his breath gently hitting against Y/Ns neck while he continued to make sure he invaded every inch of her space just to send her over the edge, "Oh yeah? That's what you think?"

"Yeah. That's exactly what I fucking think because I'm not the devil's dick sucker..." She spat out, making sure that she wouldn't fumble because she already knew what she had just gotten herself into with the bully.

"The devil's dick sucker?? That's a new one... Now, you tell me.. what are you? Because last I checked you're just a poor bum that has nobody around but her lowlife parents that aren't emotionally present for her."

"I rather have lowlife parents that aren't emotionally there instead of a fucking cracked out mother that wants nothing to do with her psychotic son because he reminds her so much of her husband that's six feet under-"

She was cut off by the feeling of her head being smashed back against the door behind her, and she couldn't help but smile up at the man that gritted his teeth together with the same dark and intimidating look in his now dark blue eyes because she already knew that she'd won the little battle between the both of them.

Phoenix was livid at the sight of Y/Ns E/C eyes being filled with glee instead of fear. It was like she was a whole new person that gained a random load of confidence, and he hated that. It was like he had no power over her, "Shut up... I can kill you right now..."

"Hmmmnn..??" Y/N strained her eyes up at the dark haired male that'd just threatened to kill her, thinking that he was going too far what what he'd just said, but still deciding not showing him a hint of fear in her heart while she kept her eyes on his.

"You heard me, you fucking whore. You're nothing, alright..?? Absolutely nothing... I can stomp you out right now and no one would give a shit..."

The woman opted to not say anything, but it wasn't because she was scared. It was because she already knew she was going to get hurt, and at this point she was so tired of the threats. She just wanted him to get it over with now.

"I want to see you dead. I want to see your brains mushed on the cement... I want you to cry and beg while I repeatedly stab you in your throat.. I want you dead. I want you dead now... I want to bash your brains in.. I want to slice your head clean off of your body.."

He kept on talking about the graphic things he wanted to do to her while he trailed his hand down to her neck, causing her to tightly shut her eyes as he began to squeeze his hand around her neck, listening to the small wheezes that came from her mouth with a dull look in his eyes.

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