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LUCKILY ENOUGH FOR THE, brunette, Y/N somehow got Phoenix away from him, leaving him alone, scared for his life even. He didn't appreciate the look in the taller man's eyes at all, and he didn't understand how he got them to look so cold and hateful. He didn't think they had that many issues with each other before, he just thought he was toxic, but it was obvious he was much more than just toxic. There had to be some kind of chemical imbalance within his brain with the way he was acting. It had him shaking, wondering what would've happened if the woman didn't step in.

While he silently panicked to himself, Y/N was shoved through another empty classroom, her breaths getting heavy once she stepped foot inside of the room. She immediately began to feel afraid of what he was going to do to her since she'd stopped him from doing something that even she knew he wouldn't regret.

"The fuck did you do that for, huh??" Phoenix then shut the door behind them, watching as she quickly started backing away from him with a nervous expression on her features. He could only narrow his own eyes at, feeling nothing but rage inside of every part of his body. This wasn't an unusual feeling at all, and that only made it worse.

Y/N continued backing away from the ravenette, her E/C eyes reading the males body language while she gulped, seeing the way he condescendingly came over to her. The simple look in his eyes was enough to make her crumble and drop to her knees, but she couldn't even do that. That's how scared she was. All she did was cower away, hoping that nothing too bad would happen to her.

There was also a part of her that felt somewhat betrayed. She didn't know he would even consider hurting her at first, especially because of all of the sweet talking he'd done to her before, but then that's when she realized who exactly this man was. He didn't really see her as a person, he only saw her as a toy that was under his possession, and although she couldn't believe that and she wanted out, she also saw it as too late. He was basically infatuated with her in the worst way imaginable.

"I don't think I'm talking to a fucking wall, Y/N!!" He raised his voice a little, making sure to add a little gruff to it so he could intimidated her even more. It was obviously working, cause she shivered as she allowed her back to hit the wall. It seemed she was in the brunettes shoes now, and she didn't like the feeling at all.

All of a sudden, Phoenix stopped walking for a split second, and just as the H/C haired teen was going to let out a sigh of relief, she found the back of her head being smashed against the hard wall, causing her to choke over a quick breath before she clenched her E/C eyes, her feet ending up on her tippy toes. The male had his large hand wrapped around her throat, and he was looking at every part of her face.

The soft feeling of Phoenixes breaths softly hitting her face made her want to sob, but she had to be strong. She thought that if she didn't give him a reaction, he would eventually leave her alone, "You wanted to save him, hmm?? Like he's some kind of boyfriend."

Still, she didn't say anything. Slowly raising her hand, she actually began to attempt to claw herself away from his tight hold, but no, that was nothing against him. He was too strong. She cursed herself for being with someone like him.

"Ahh, and now you're trying to fight it??" He somehow shoved her body even closer against the pale wall, making a loud grunt that was quickly suppressed fall past her lips, "Don't make a fucking sound. I want you to tell me what you saved him for."

After a few seconds of low pants that came from the shorter teen, he slowly removed his hand from her mouth while he also kept his other hand around her neck, "Now... I want an explanation."

Blinking as her eyes filled up with salty tears that almost made her eyes burn while her chest rose up and down from the fear that flowed through her, Y/N just stared, not being able to bring herself to utter another word. She just allowed her lips to tremble, her eyes showing more fear than the man had ever seen before. She only hoped that he would get her pleads that seemed clear through his eyes.

Phoenix noticed the look on her, and he froze up, his heart almost sinking once realization set in. His eyes soften, and the upset expression that was once on his face was disappearing. His hold on her neck was even loosening, and she didn't know how she was supposed to handle this. He wasn't one to back down from doing such abusive things towards her ever, so she didn't know why he was just now deciding to do so.

They both just looked into eachothers eyes, their hearts beating quickly. They were feeling completely different feelings. She was curious, afraid of what his next action was going to be since she knew how bipolar he acted, but he wanted nothing more than to hold her and kiss her.

And that's exactly what he was telling himself to do, so that's what he did. Pushing his face closer to hers, he quickly pressed his lips against hers, each of his hands shooting up to the sides of her head as he did so. He twisted his head to the side and allowed the kiss to grow deeper, but the only thing that was wrong was that she wasn't feeling the passion at all. She wanted nothing to do with him.

While he did all of this, she just stood there with her back against the wall, enduring it, but what she didn't know was that he was falling even more for her, and he was getting evil thoughts in the back of his mind just from how much he cherished her love. He let his mind linger to the brunette boy from before, and he knew exactly what to do to deal with him.

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