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ONCE PHOENIX WAS FINISHED, littering the woman with more kisses against her face, he finally left her alone to question her entire existence. She really didn't know what to believe anymore but she really wished that the man wasn't madly in love with her at the time because she knew that would only cause her to be confused with reality even more. She didn't know what to think, but she still didn't have a good feeling in her heart, which was understandable.

Y/N took a few steps up to the door in front of her before she glared into the glass, her lips parting and her eyes narrowing as she watched the man brush his fingers through his hair like nothing before he patted down his sweater vest as well.

The woman was at a loss for words and she didn't think she'd even be able to speak another word ever again just because of the shock that was now running throughout her whole body. The whole thing that just happened felt so unreal, and to be honest she felt so disgusted in herself even though she wasn't the one doing anything.

"Y/N... Are you alright??" There was a familiar voice coming from behind the female, but all she could do was tense up once more, her heart rate increasing a little just at the sound of her friend.

"Y/N?" The voice asked again, this time it going a little lower due to the silence that came from the H/C haired teen that felt unable to move.

Still watching the way no movements or sound came Y/N, the taller teen then leaned over, raising her hand up to the window behind the girl before she sent her four loud knocks, glad that the action gained her friends attention, "Y/N. I saw you in here with Phoenix... Do you wanna talk about it...?"

"No." Was the immediate response that left past a slightly traumatized Y/N that only wanted to be alone at the moment.

"Oh... Did.. he hurt you..? Do you want me to tell the principal, or.. the school counselor??" Her voice was trembling as she placed both of her hands on each of her hips, trying to seem more confident than what she was.

"No, no... He didn't hurt me, Simone... But.. I think that's the problem.."

"What are you talking about Y/N..? I think it's great that he didn't hurt you!!" She cheered, clearly not reading the quiet room.

Turning around in a swift move with disbelief written all over her face, her breath hitched and her hands turned into fists, "No. This is really really bad.. Did you not see how he was with me??"

The female outside of the window nodded her head up and down, her dark curls bouncing against her shoulders. "Hell yeah I did! He was all over you! And.. isn't that a good thing? Wouldn't you like to be loved by him instead of hurt by him...?"

"No.. I don't want anything to do with him, Simone!! Of course I don't want to be hurt by him, but.. I'd feel so weird.. s-so dirty if I ever got with him, too!"

Frowning at the sight of her friends mini meltdown that seemed to be building up a little, that's when the girl that went by the name Simone backed up a little, "Oh... I'm so sorry, Y/N... I didn't think that you'd-"

"No. You're fine. It's not you... I'm sorry.. shouldn't have lashed out like that.." she blurted out with her E/C eyes casting down towards the cold floor beneath her.

"Uhmm.. I hope you feel better..."

"I'll try to, Simone.. don't worry about me.."

"Just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here, Y/N. Never forget that."

"Thanks, I-" the teen then looked back up at the girl in the window, her eyes now scanning up and down her outfit only to see her in shorts and a T-shirt, "Wait.. are you in gym right now?"

Bursting out into a small fit of laughter, Simone then nodded her head yes once again, the sad look over her face disappearing, "Yeah! But.. I was walking past and I saw you."

Y/N was a little hurt by the fact that her friend didn't interfere with the situation that happened before her eyes, but then she remembered who Phoenix was so she shut her mouth, "Ahhh, alright.."

"Oh, and.. you don't need to worry about Isabel. He broke up with her, so now if you want to ever-"

"Excuse me, what?"

"Yeah... You didn't know? Almost everybody is talking about it.. apparently some kid found her crying in a classroom. Isn't that pathetic?"

"No, Simone. It's.. it's really not... You don't know what she's going through.. She's actually a really sweet girl..."

"Sorry..." Simone mumbled as she pursed her lips out of the embarrassment that formed in her stomach, "Didn't know you were friends with the schools princess now.."

"Fuck.. I need to go..."

Simone bit on the inside of her cheek as she leaned back a little a brushed the palm of her hands down her thighs, "Wait! I'm sorry Y/N..." There was a slight pause in the teens voice before she spoke up again, "Please don't tell her!!"

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