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Y/N WAS ON A SEARCH FOR, a familiar blonde girl that was quickly being turned on by almost everybody at her school because she wanted her to know that everything would be okay, and that she definitely wasn't the reason they broke up with eachother. She hated herself for just letting Phoenix get away with his evil doings, because now he was actually deciding to hurt the people she liked and she hated him for that as well.

She began to panic just by the sound of everybody whispering and talking nonsense about the blonde that seemed to be nowhere near the H/C haired teen because she knew that if she was hearing it now, then Isabel definitely heard it too. And she might've even heard worse things.

"Why is she so like... desperate for him it's honestly so strange to me..." One of the women whispered to a dark haired man that just stood beside her with the same curiosity in his mind.

A chuckle was heard not too far from the duo that was ignore by the teen that speed walked through the halls, still searching for the blonde teen. "I always knew she was weird. Had a feeling she was some kind of cry baby too. But it's okay, I like girls like that. I think it's hot when a girl cries in front of me."

Y/N felt so disturbed by what the man had just said that she'd almost stopped in her tracks, but she reminded herself about the true prize she was looking for at the moment. She wanted to be there for the blonde since it seemed like nobody else in the school was going to be there.

After a few more minutes of speed walking, Y/Ns walking came to a halt once she saw an older man in a clean suit and a dark pair of shoes that went really well with his outfit.

"Uhm..!! H-Hello! Sir!" She called out to the older man that only straightened his posture with knitted eyebrows at the sound of a young woman calling for him.

He turned on his heel a bit before he made eye contact with the female, a cold look in his deep and dark eyes, "Do I know you??"

"I.. don't know, I don't think I've ever seen you around here but.." she gulped, trying to catch her breath due to all of the walking she did, "I wanted to know if you've seen Isabel anywhere around here... She's my friend and I'm worried about her right now..."

Visibly stiffening up just at the mention of the blue eyed teen, he clenched his jaw and strained his cold eyes down towards the teen that only wanted to back away from him, "Excuse me..?"

"I.. Wait.. who are you..??" Y/N then questioned as she felt her chest rising and lowering with each slow step she took away from the man that slowly blinked at her. She could've sworn the man in front of her was some sort of fancy teacher.

"I'm Isabel's father."

Y/N froze up for a quick second before she finally went back to moving around a little, her movements seeming more awkward than usual and her breaths becoming even heavier.

"O-Oh... is that.. true..?" The teen picked at the side of her shirt with a fake look over her features as she tried to act like she was very intimidated by the man that didn't show any emotions at the moment.

Scoffing at the young woman's question he found silly, that's when he turned his back over to Y/N once again, just to continue to show no emotion, "Why is that something I'd lie about...??"

"I.. d-double check, I guess..." There was a long wave of silence between the two of them before the girl shifted in her stance once again, the lump in her throat feeling it's like growing a little, "So can I see her..? Maybe talk to her or-"

"No. She decided to embarrass me, so now I'm going to embarrass her. She will no longer be coming to school until she learns how to express her emotions rationally instead of whining and crying over some god damn playboy that gives no shits about her."

Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know exactly what to say to the man. She didn't want to get on his bad side, and she thought about how hard it would be to get on his food side in just a few minutes.

Pursing her lips shut and staring at the older man's back, she tried to think carefully on what she was going to say to him, but still nothing came to mind, and that hurt her.

"Yeah. Exactly." Was all the man muttered before he began walking in the opposite direction of the E/C eyed teen that felt like her body had just been crumbled.

"Wait!!" She tried to stop the man, but he clearly wasn't having it because all he did was shake his head from side to side while he continued walking.

Y/N didn't even care about the eyes that set on her at the moment because all she was was worried about a friend, "Wait! Can I please talk to Isabel..??!"

Grinding his teeth together while a huff came from his nose, the father groggily turned on his heel once again before he made more deep eye contact with the girl, purposely scaring her a little, "I told you no. Now get out of my sight."

Y/N felt so defeated with herself and the man before her. She couldn't believe that he was angry and upset with the woman instead of comforting towards her.

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